Chapter 5: The Game has Begun

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Author's Point of View

After that day, it was time for you to go to school again. But you still hoped that Mandy wouldn't bother you anymore.

Sitting in your limo, you started to wonder if things were gonna be OK when you go to school.

You sighed.

[To the School]

You silently walked towards your classroom, awkwardly everyone looked at you with blank faces when you walked in, but you ignored them and headed to your seat. You started to play with the pencil on your desk.

I wish Mom and Dad never sent me to this elite school, I want to be a normal teenage girl. I don't want to be rich. You pouted as you thought about it.

A couple of minutes went by and the teacher came walking in, which made everybody rush to their own seats. The teacher placed her books at her desk and smiled.

"OK, class we have a new student today. Please treat him nicely." She smiled and motioned the person outside to come in.

Khalil?!?! You unconsciously stood up

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Khalil?!?! You unconsciously stood up.

"Is there anything wrong Ms. L/N?" the teacher said facing your direction.

"N-No Ma'am..... I was just picking up my pencil. Pardon for my discourteousness."  you bowed, cheeks flushing red because of the embarrassment.

"OK.... Kindly introduce yourself." you sat down.

"I'm Khalil." he simply smiled.

"Would you mind telling us your hobbies and age?" The teacher once again questioned him.

"I have no particular hobby, I do what I like. As for my age, I'm the same age as that girl over there." Khalil pointed at you.
All your classmates stared at you.

"What an odd thing to say...." the teacher said.

"It's not odd. If you know her age then you would know mine as well. But if you don't know, then its not my fault anymore. Who cares about my age anyway?" He boldly pointed his thumb at himself.

"All right then.. Please take a seat beside Ms. L/N." Your teacher announced.

You immediately hissed at him once he sat down.

"What are you doing here?!" You whisper-shouted, staying cautious not to be caught by your teacher.

"Well...... I followed you here, then I got lost and ended up on a boy's locker room. I saw some uniforms and thought that I should try one on, by the time I was removing it, a teacher caught me and scolded me for slacking. He asked me where was my classroom, I didn't know what else to say so I kinda went with the flow and told him that I transferred here yesterday and my class was with you." He said with glee.

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