Chapter 1

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Walking in the streets, Ash let out a sigh. People look at him, confused. Some starstruck seeing a singer walking in their street.

Ash didn't want to look back. Neither he wants media attention at this fragile state. It was like he had nowhere to be. Like he had no aim.

No one can blame if we just got out of an engagement. From the one who we truly loved. Its hard.

He looked around. Spotting a restaurant, he sighed, obvious with hunger. Slowly making over there, he got in and sat in the corner booth, trying to hide from the world.

A young waitress made her way towards him. Hesitant, as it is her first day.

"What would you like to have, sir?" She asked, gaining his attention. He looked up and a breath hitched in his throat.

His eyes stared at her blue ones, slowly traveling down to her hair  and her lips. He didn't realized he was staring until the girl cleared her throat, cheeks pink from his obvious stare.

"W-what?" He stuttered.

"I asked what would you like to have?"

"W-what d-do you p-prefer?"

She coughed again, this time from her sickness. "I'll be right back." She said before walking away and disappearing in the kitchen.

Few minutes later, she placed a plate with banana pancakes and chocolate chips.

Even though he hated bananas, he cleared the whole food in front of him, without complaining and obviously moving on from his break up.


Hey! What do you think about it? I know that its short but since its a short story it had to be this short.

Have a great day Amour shippers!

The Restaurant Girl ~ AmourshippingWhere stories live. Discover now