New friend?

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"That's right stutters! I'm a monster." The skeleton stuck his tongue out winking with massive flirtatiousness in his eyes.

"I-I can't believe this." She started panicking slightly while also geeking out.

He chuckled walking up to her "First time?" He held his out to his sides extending them as if he were showing off.

She looked at him up and down raising an eyebrow at his strange features. "I love your complexion. And your jacket."

After looking him over she saw eyes turn into a bright blue with a blue tongue slither out of his mouth then creeped up her cheek. She turned bright pink then covered her cheek.

"Heh heh heh. Kid you sure do blush easy." He teased her more then stopped when he could see a tall skeleton with a red jacket and beanie come over "SAAAAANS!!! COME HELP ME PACK OUR THINGS!!!" The girl quickly covered her ears at his loud piercing voice.

"Whoa bro, chill out." Sans gestured his hands for the tall skeleton to quite down.


"I was just tellin ya Paps to quite down so you don't break the kids ears." He put his arm around her shoulders pulling her closer to him then gestured to her with his other arm.

"Hmmmm..." Papyrus looked at her with a questioning face, placing his finger on his chin.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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