Chapter 21 : Asked Out

Start from the beginning

But suddenly, something hit my mind. Why did she even care if I play with her feelings or not? She said she only likes me as a brother or her bias.

"Let me ask you a question first, before I explained it to you," I said, getting ready to ask.

She nodded, "What do you want to ask?"

"Wae.. why did you even care that I'm a playboy or not? Why did you care that.. that I play with your feelings or not?" I asked.


"Because I love you, oppa."

My eyes widened when she said that. Love as that?

"I know that you won't love me back. I tried not to love you, but after all we did together, I can't lie to myself about my true feelings anymore. First time it's true that I only love you as brother, but since you brought me to my house when I was hurt, I realized that I actually love you. And.. when I heard Doyoung's words, my heart hurt so much," she continued, tears kept on rolling down her cheeks.

"I.. I.. Actually I.." I really couldn't say anything, I was speechless.

"Yes, I know. You don't have to tell me. I know you won't love me back. I know that all the words you said to Doyoung was only to save me," she said lowered down her heard.

"Uhm.. Actually.. I.." I wanted to say that I love her too, I wanted to say that I really meant all the words that I said. But why did I stay quiet like this?

"Gwenchana, no need to feel bad for me. It's my own fault for loving you," she flashed a smile.

I slightly hit my head. Say something you idiot!! Ugh, why am I like this?? I need to say it right now before it's too late!! Say something!

"Uhm, Y/N-ah. I won't feel bad for you.." I said, trying to choose the best words to start with.

"Huh?" she raised her eyebrows.

"Because I like you, because I meant all the words that I just said, because I want you to be mine forever, and because you're my first and last love," I smiled.

"What? Are you trying to be like what Doyoung said?" she asked, instantly my smile faded.

"No.. This is true Y/N-ah. Can you just stop believing him? I like you, and that's a fact," I tried to make her believe me.

"I... Okay.. I believe you," she flashed a smile.

"Jjinja?? Yeay!! Thank youu.." I hugged her tightly.

End of POV

Your eyes widened when he suddenly hugged you. His warm hug comforted you and you felt so safe. You slowly lifted your hands and hugged him back. After a few seconds, you broke the hug and looked at him.

"Oppa.." you called.


"Uhm, I'm just curious.. How do you like me? I mean.. out of so many pretty girls out there, why me? Especially you're a famous idol, you can date any girls you want," you said.

He chuckled, "The first time I saw you sitting outside the fansigning building, I already felt something weird. I felt like I wanted to know you and that's why, I brought you to EXO's dorm."

"Well maybe that time I haven't like you, but as time went by, I missed you everytime you left and I felt so happy everytime I met you. Then I asked Chanyeol about it, and I finally found my true feelings. I actually like you," he continued, smiling.

"Aah.. I see.." you nodded, didn't know what to say.

"I know. The first time I realized, I also didn't believe that I fall for you, because first we're just an idol and a fan that time. Second, we just met like about two weeks ago. Yea, that's the weird thing, we just met!" he said as he went inside the house.

"Oppa, I just realized," you said as you followed him inside and closed the door.

"Realized what? Realized that I'm handsome?" he smirked.

You rolled your eyes, "No, I realized that since I started fangirling over you!"

He laughed, "Then?"

"You said that I'm your first and last love. So.. you haven't like anyone before?"

"Nope.." he smiled.

"But how?" you asked.

You thought that it's so weird for a handsome and charming guy like him never date someone. You mean, if he never love someone then that's mean he never date someone.

"I don't know," he shrugged.

"So you haven't date anyone?" you asked, making sure.

"I did when I was in high school but.. I never like that girl, I was forced to," his smiled faded, remembering the past.

"Aah I see," you decided not to ask him again since you didn't want to ruin his mood.

You took a glass of water and went to sit on the sofa with Baekhyun.

"Anyway.." his charming smile returned.

"Wanna be my girlfriend?" he asked, full of confidence.

"What?" you choked on your drink.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend, Miss Y/N?" he smiled.

You froze, didn't say anything. Like every girls will react the same thing if Byun Baekhyun asked them to be his girlfriend. He's a famous superstar!

He giggled, "So cute.. Then I will take that as a yes!"

"Let's date tomorrow! You have a holiday right? You just finished your exams," he said.

"Uhm yes. Four days holiday until Sunday," you stated.

"Great! Meet me at the usual park near your house at 9. Good night!" he said as he stood up.

"Night~" you muttered.

After he left, you heaved out a relieved sigh.


"Just ask me out.."

Author's Note :
Yehet!! Y/N will date Baekhyun in the next chapter!!
Btw I'm sorry if this chapter only has one scene because I want you all to know the details, since this is an important scene.
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The Unexpected Destiny ~ Byun Baekhyun [BBH] ✔Where stories live. Discover now