Chapter 14-Departure

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"But why would Prince Izana want to exile Shirayuki? She hadn't done anything wrong!" Zen yelled back to Mitsuhide.

"I don't know why either yet but it's not official yet so we should hurry back before anything is declared." Mitsuhide barely managed to say in between his panting.

"Wait Master, what about Shirayuki?" Obi stood up, "We can't take her with us, she needs to heal."

"She's coming." Zen finalized his decision before standing up to look Obi in the eye.

"But she needs to heal."

"I'm not letting her out of my sight again, not after everything that's happened, she can ride in the carriage we brought along, the lions can lead that carriage until we drop them off to Tanbarun."

"Okay then." Obi sighed, "Whatever you say."

"Mitsuhide!" Zen turned to face Mitsuhide.

"Yes, Zen."

"Tell everyone to pack up, I'm going to explain the situation to Yuki."

"Yes, your highness."


"So you have to leave now?" Yuki asked, still confused with the entire situation. Zen had just entered the room which the Lions let her use, started blurting out things about his older brother, then announced himself leaving.

"Yes, if we don't get there soon enough then my brother might've already exiled Shirayuki by the time we get back."

"I see. Prince Zen, may I accompany you on your trip?"

"Y-you'd like to come with us?"


"Why so?"

"I'd like to learn more about healing or herbalism as Shirayuki calls it. So may I accompany you?"

"Okay, but are you sure?"

Yuki laughed "It's not like I'm gonna stay there forever, so there's no need to worry yourself."

"Okay. Then yes, you can come along. Then I'll go inform Mitsuhide to start heading out. In the meantime, gather anything that you need, and quickly. We don't have much time."


"Is everyone ready to leave?" Zen, Mitsuhide, Kiki, and Yuki and a few Lions were gathered ready to leave for Clarinece. Shirayuki was in a carriage, still asleep from Umihebi's poison. Obi was going around checking to make sure there were none more of The Claw left over. "It's finally over, isn't it." Zen sighed with relief.

'I can't let Lord Brother separate myself and Shirayuki. Not after I just found her.'

"We leave now!" The horses began to sprint opposite of the sunset.

'It'll take a while to reach Clarinece but... The sooner the better.'

"Zen.' Mitsuhide broke Zen out of his thoughts. 

"Yes Mitsuhide, is something the matter?"

"Not really, but I'd like to ask, why did you allow Yuki to accompany us in our journey?"

"She asked to come, I don't think she ever left Alouisia so I thought it might be an opportunity for her to learn more of the world. Besides, Lord Brother might take an interest in her..."

I'll try update again soon. Sorry for being on a random hiatus but I'll try to get back into the rhythm of regular updates.
Again, sorry for being late.
I'll try to extend the next chapter.

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