Chapter 1 - Hostage

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Shirayuki couldn't believe her eyes, a Pirates of The Claw had just entered the small room- like cell and thrown in a captive. As the young man lifted his veil Shirayuki instantly recognized his snow-like hair and blue eyes....... It was Zen.

"I....... Can't believe you're actually here Zen!" Her face was wet with tears, she was overjoyed at the fact that Zen had come to her rescue.

"Shirayuki! You aren't hurt are you?"

"No, I'm alright. In fact, we should be worrying more about him." Shirayuki replied looking towards Kazuki who had been bruised on one side of his face.

"Wait... So you two know each other?" Kazuki questioned, confused as to what was going on.

"Yes, we do." Shirayuki said firmly, wiping away her tears "We must hurry and find an escape from this room soon, if we don't then we may never make it back to clarines."

"I'm well aware, in fact Kiki had planned to come in my stand but I voluntarily went." Zen began to remove the rope that had his hands bind together at the time. "We already have everything planned out, we just need to have the three of us on the main deck by sundown and then, hopefully, Kiki and Mitsuhide will arrive with reinforcements by then."

"I see..."

"Anyways, I'm just relieved you're unhurt." Zen took Shirayuki into a tight embrace and let out a low sigh, "Don't ever worry me like that ever again."

"I won't...."

"Please be careful Shirayuki, I don't want to see you getting hurt because of me."

"It's not your fault Zen, don't blame yourself  for something that you weren't in control of."

"Shirayuki...." Zen looked her in the eye and gave her a gentle smile. He turned towards Kazuki and began to glare at him. "He's the one who had kidnapped you...... Is he not?"

"Yes.......He is but for now at least, consider him an ally."

"An ally? Why so?"

"The Pirates that have us held hostage at the moment intended to capture him alone and they stumbled upon myself as well. He is an ex-member of The Claw so he knows how to converse with other members. We can use that to our advantage."

"I see. Seeing that we're temporarily allies now, I should at least know your name."

"...It's Kazuki..."

"Hmmm. Kazuki. You can call me Zen."

"Zen, thank you, for trusting in me."

"It's okay, but know this. One wrong move and you will regret it."

"I understand." Kazuki replied willfully.

Zen laughed at his resolve "Pleasure to have you on board, Kazuki."

"Th-Thank you!"

They were interrupted by the door being thrown open by a member of The Claw.

"Hey applehead, the boss wants ya' up on deck."

'....What?' Zen thought to himself, 'If Shirayuki must go in on deck now then security down here will be maximized to prevent our escape. There's no way we'll make it back to the top by sundown'

Shirayuki put her hand on Zen's shoulder and gave him a gentle smile. "It's okay, I'll be back down soon."

"Okay..... but if they try harm you, then just yell and I'll come running."

Shirayuki giggled "Okay, I will."


Shirayuki was up on the main deck. It was late afternoon; it was almost sundown. She looked up at the horizon and watched the Sun slowly descend.

'We're running out of time.....'

Author's note:
Hello! Of you are reading this message then thank you for being one of the few people who actually read this! Actually this is my first fanfiction so plz don't hate me for rushing and making it to short. Please continue reading because the further chapters are definitely something to look forward to (if you like Angst, hehe {I like writing Angst btw so if you wish, feel free to request something}).
I'll post another chapter on Friday if I can, if not then Saturday.

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