Chapter 9 - Sightseeing

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"Shirayuki, I think you've pretty much learned the intermediate level of swordsmanship, you've even surpassed your trainer. It's amazing how committed you are." Yuki got up after being defeated by her pupil, once again.


"Yes, now will you go outside for once?"

Shirayuki groaned at the thought of leaving Yuki's small house. She had only left the house once in her time there. She was too scared of running into Kiki or Mitsuhide or anyone else from back in Clarinece.

"Maybe... But if I do you have to come with me."

"No, you're going alone." Yuki responded bitterly. "If you don't go out eventually then you'll spend the rest of your life sitting around brewing tea. Speaking of tea... I think we're almost out. Just another reason for you to go.

"Fine. When do I go then?"

"Now." Yuki responded almost immediately.


"No buts. We're running low on fruits and tea, we also need more medicine because we used up all of the other medicine on my practice. You're also turning into a hermit and your skin has become sickly pale. It's funny, you're the one teaching me about herbalism and yet I'm the one scolding you over not taking care of yourself." Yuki got up, grabbed Shirayuki's wooden sword and put it on the table. "Out you go now."
She shoved Shirayuki out the door, handing her a basket and her hood on her way out and slammed the door shut in Shirayuki's face.

"Fine, you win" Shirayuki said to herself. She began to walk towards the small market in the middle of Alousia.

'Now that I think about it, I never really got the chance to meet any of the locals. I've been here for about two months now and yet I barely know my way around.'

Shirayuki walked past several different stores and houses until she finally arrived at the market.

"Hey miss, we got some fresh fish for sale here, would you like some?" A local offered Shirayuki, she politely declined and continued to walk. She could hear locals talking.

"Hey, that girl with the hoodie, have you seen her before?"

"No but she looks suspicious."

She ignored them and continued to walk until she found someone selling mixed fruits.

"Miss, would you like some?"

Shirayuki nodded her head, grabbed enough fruit to last the weeks no continued to walk.

'What else did she need... Tea, that's right.'

" 'scuse me miss, would you like some tea?"

She whipped her head around to see an elderly woman offering Shirayuki tea.

"Thank you, how w much is it?" Shirayuki asked her.

"Take it as a gift."

"Thank you." Shirayuki smiled at her briefly before handing her an apple.

"Thank you, miss."

Shirayuki nodded her head and continued to walk, looking for medicine.

'Where does Yuki get her medicine from. Should I just go and collect different herbs to make medicine just like I used to do in Tanbarun?'

"Clear the path, incoming." All the townsfolk moved aside for horses with jockeys entering the main road.

'I thought this town didn't have many visitors?' Shirayuki barely looked at the travelers before turning away and hiding behind a stack of crates.

"People of Alousia, we seek a person who went missing long ago any sightings?" A man leading the horses spoke up.

Shirayuki looked towards him.

'No way.'

"I repeat, any sightings?" The man announced, once again. All the villagers shook their heads in disagreement.

'It can't be.'

A fisherman spoke up, "We did find a body caught in one of our nets."

"How long ago?"

"About two months ago."

"Thank you for your time, please lead us to where the body was found." The man instructed the fisherman and was lead out.

'Zen, please don't."

Author's note:
AHHHH! Finally, the reveal.
Again, sorry for such late updates, I've been really busy lately. I'll try make the next chapter a little longer but I'm not promising anything.
Also, follow my Instagram: oikawa_senpaii1639
See ya'!

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