Soon enough Monday was over and we were heading back to the house. Only three of us. It felt so empty, that massive house for three people. But there was barely any time when it was just us three honestly, There was almost always a camera crew around. Like wherever you went. Sometimes I would just go and sit in the bathroom, turn the shower on and just sit on the floor on my phone or something. Anything to get a few minutes of privacy.

When we got in it we were doing a couple of interviews. We had all been assigned different places. Liam was in the game room, Jane in the kitchen and I was out on the balcony. When I walked out onto the balcony Tulisa was there. When she saw me she jumped up and came over to hug me.

'What are you doing here?' I asked happy to see her.

'All of the judges with contestants in the final are. Harry thought we should do an interview together' Shit. Harry was in the house.

'That's a good idea' I said still smiling as the cameras were still on us.

'I know right? So lets start shall we?'

'Sure' She took my hand and we sat down together on the balcony.

'So, what were your first reactions when you realised Ariana was through?' The big man with the low gruff voice asked.

'I was ecstatic, my little baby in the final. She really deserves it, no one really sees how hard she works. It's incredible how much effort she makes' Tulisa answered and I replied.

'Thanks Tulisa. And yeah I was so excited and relieved really. I really hope I can go all the way.'

'Can you give us any sneak previews of what you will be singing?' The man asked. I hadn't decided whether I liked him or not. He never showed any emotion and I'd never actually seen his face without a camera in front of it.

'No sorry, all we can say is Ariana has written all these songs by herself and they are truly amazing' Tulisa smiled.

'What's this competition been like for you so far?'

'I think it's been really fun and a great experience and I couldn't of asked for anyone better to mentor me. I wouldn't change this experience for anything. Sure there have been some hard times and crazy times which I could of don without but I don't think it would be the same if those things hadn't of happened.' I said still smiling.

'I think that Ariana is the best competitor in the show and she will definitely go far. I can see Ariana going miles. She wont give up and one day she will be at the top of the charts. I couldn't of asked for a better person to work with and she's here in the final and I am so proud of her.'

'Now just mention some funny times and bad times you've had please'

'The good times for me,' Tulisa started 'Are when I'm working with Ariana. She's such a great girl and I honestly see her as my little sister now'

'And the bad times?'

'I can't really think of any bad times to be honest, it's been a pretty great experience'

'And you?' The man asked looking at me. If I were going to say the truth then I would say the good times, all the times I was with Harry and the bad times, when I wasn't. But here was my answer...

'The good times are probably when I'm performing and doing what I love, and of course hanging out with Tulisa it's been a honour getting to know you and become as close as we have.

'The bad?'

'Seeing everyone I love leave the competition and feel the house slowly empty. Everyone was so talented and it's unfair anyone has to go.'

'What about splitting up with Josh, your boyfriend?'

'Ariana you don't have to answer that.' Tulisa said looking at me worriedly.

'It's fine. You know, splitting up with Josh was hard. But every relationship comes to an end and unfortunately mine came to an end whilst I was in the house and it's been publicised everywhere which has made it so much harder for me.'

'Do you think being in the house was what started causing problems in your relationship?'

'Maybe, we were completely fine before I came here. But obviously I was busy and we weren't talking as much before and I was missing him and he was missing me. We hadn't seen each other in a couple of months and it is hard. I could of handled it better and so could he but this is all new to us and it is very difficult especially with it being all over the media and everywhere I look.'

'How did you feel when you saw the pictures of him with that other girl?'

'Right, I'm sorry but that's it. Ariana isn't answering that question. Goodbye. Thanks for the interview.' Tulisa said pulling me towards the sliding doors of the balcony.


'No problem, you shouldn't have to talk about stuff you don't want to, if you want I can make sure they don't show that footage'

'No, its fine. I need to speak about it so people stop asking and hounding me'

'That's fine, now are you ready for some real fun?'


'We are going to a theme park!!'

'Are you serious? I love theme parks! Who else is coming?'

'All the other finalists and their mentors and a camera crew'

'Ok lets go!!' I pulled Tulisa into the big black car waiting for us. We were travelling with the other mentors and contestants but they were still getting interviewed as Tulisa cut our interview short. Soon enough I could see Liam and Harry coming towards the car. I sat in a window seat and Tulisa was sat opposite me. Liam squeezed in next to me and Harry next to Tulisa. Then when we were all there we set off.

But just before we left Harry suggested

'Hey should all of the mentors go with the other contestants on a ride too? It would show we are all friends and no hard feelings and stuff'



Im so so sorry that I haven't updated in forever. I have been on holiday and really caught up in school. This fanfic is almost at an end but I will be making a sequel if you like?:) Please go check out my other fan fics:) 

Don't forget to vote, comment and share with your friends:) I love you x

following his footsteps a ariana grande fanficWhere stories live. Discover now