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Batman's eyes narrowed at the Martian whom had collapsed onto the floor. He was put on edge at how easy it was for Robin to take down J'onn.

Was the inside of the bird's head really that bad? For once, Batman had no idea how to proceed with the situation.

Robin didn't seem to be in any mood to talk at all either. So he carefully stood Robin up, and relocated him to his room in Mount Justice.

Luckily the team was nowhere in sight, which made Batman's task much easier. Once inside of Robin's room, he closed the door and locked it.

The bat was surprised to see a heart broken look on Robin's face. The parental part of him wanted to hug the bird and never let him go.

But the cautious part urged him to try and get rid of such thoughts. Unfortunately, the cautious part one out over the parental.

Even if Robin was in this negative state of emotion it still didn't undo the harm he'd caused. If only he'd known the truth about what really happened on that mission.

As Robin was escorted to his room by his suppose it 'mentor' he reminisced about the past. Back before he was seen as an enemy, before Batman stopped acting like a father to him, and back before he used Nightwing on J'onn.

Who is Nightwing you ask? Well to put it shortly, Nightwing is Robin or rather an older version of him. He manifested by accident when one of Zatanna's spells backfired.

The spell seemed to have sent some part of Nightwing's consciousness into Robin's mind. But that really didn't matter anymore seeing as Nightwing was here to stay. The older hero was a big help, due to his experience and fighting skills.

Plus he was pretty good at blocking unwanted guests from his mind. Robin was still pretty sad that he'd even had to block the Martian. Hell, he was sad about this entire situation!

Robin really wanted a solution to this big ass problem. But how would he proves himself innocent?

'You could just ask me ya know'

A voice sounded in Robin's head.

'Nightwing? You think you can prove us innocent?'

'I'm honestly disappointed in you birdie. How did you not remember that your suit has a camera on it??'

Robin mentally face palmed. Why didn't he think of that earlier?! Slowly, Robin begin to formulate a plan.

As Batman left his room, locking the door behind him. He heard a spine chilling cackle. Robin would finally get his justice.


Ayeeeee that was pretty good huh??? I'm glad I got to update this story tho bc I was really thinking about how I was neglecting my readers. Let me know how you think of the newest chapter in the comments and I'll try to have a new one up soon!!

Until next time,


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