The journey back "home"

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-Pidge POV-
All I remember from when I got captured was that I was sitting in a room being interrogated and then everything went black for a while.  But one thing I did remember was that Keith kissed me..i still feel the sensation I got from when he did and I kind of like it but I didn't want to tell him that.

As soon as I heard a knock on my  door. I opened it to see Matt. "oh hey Matt,  what's up?" Matt laughed "what? Were you expecting someone else?" I got really offensive "what! no! ".
"gees calm down Lil sis,  I just came to tell you Keith has found a way back to the others". "THE OTHERS! REALLY?" I rush down the hallway to Keith and start asking him questions. "what did you find Kieth? "

-kieths POV-
I hear Pidge running down the hall asking me what's had found.  I was telling him that I found a back home but it'd be difficult. She kept saying it didn't matter as long as we ended up back home.  I tell her what we had to do to get home and she agreed with the plan. Just as we entered the path home we were attacked by the galra. Lotors' voice came over monitor "well we'll, well,  who do we have here,  the green and the red paladins of Voltron, this just made my day". I yelled to him what did he want from us and he replied with "you,  Keith kogane ".
Lotors orders his soldiers to surround our ship. "dang what do we do Kieth" Pidge whispered to me" I told him "we fight with everything we got,  MATT! Get to your battle station "

Matt POV-
I get to my battle station prepared to fight lotor and just as I armed the weapons I hear Pidge grunting behind me "Matt watch out!! " I turn around to see Lotors but before I could turn all the way around he punches me and I pass out. As soon as I wake up I think "I'm in a bed?" and I look around and Kieth is beside me with a sad face.  He looks up and tells me "I'm sorry,  I did everything I could, he was just too powerful" I looked frantically for Pidge."where's Pidge? " Kieth looks away.  "KIETH!! WHERE IS SHE? ". he finally tells me "lotor kidnapped her".....

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