A single touch

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A crush that has developed into something more

A real crush, filling my heart

I started fantasizing about him

What it would be like

To not have to find excuses to talk to him

To see him

To hear his voice

Look into his eyes

He is responsible for the turmoil in my brain

The spinning of my thoughts

The feeling of dizziness

Nausea, nerves on end

A few days ago

He did the worst thing yet

He touched me

A single touch

Not skin on skin

But skin on clothes

He didn't even mean anything by it

But an hour later

I could still feel the burn

Where his left hand touched my arm through my jacket

How can I get rid of this feeling

It's really starting to drive me insane

Will I ever find someone to help me out of this

I'm a mother for goodness sake

I can't let a man do this to me


Or are you supposed to feel these butterflies

Rummaging around in your stomach

Someone, anyone, please help me!

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