10 | Hospital

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Taehyung rush to the hospital and told the nurse what's going on. They quickly took him to a room and check him out. What they found wasn't a surprised for Jimin.

"You're pregnant" The nurse say. Taehyung couldn't help but cry. What is he going to tell Jungkook. He thanks the nurse and doctor and walk out.

"Taehyung how do you feel?"

Jimin ask. Taehyung just walk away and ignore him.

Jimin grab Taehyung wrist and turn him around.

"Can you see I'm pregnant why would you turn me around like that?"

"I'm sorry. What are you going to tell Jungkook."

"I'm going to abort it"


Taehyung walk inside the doctor room; he was ready to get rid of the baby.

"I'm sorry" the doctor say. "Why?" Ask Taehyung.

"You are pregnant with the baby for too long meaning you can abort it"

Taehyung curse and ran out the room.

"So what happen?" Ask Jimin.

"I cant get rid of it"


"I been pregnant for too long"

"Oh shit"

Jimin eyes widen as he smile. "I got  a plan" Taehyung stop walking and look at Jimin.

"Have sex with Jungkook and he'll  believe the baby is his"

Taehyung smile.

My Boyfriend Best Friend {VMIN}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin