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Taehyung got up from bed. He look at the mirror right in front of him. He was burning red. Tears treathened to come out. He look at his phone which vibrated.

Jungkook baby

Hey baby are you coming to school today


Taehyung realizes that it was all a bad dream. He wonder if the kiss with Jimin was a dream as well so he started checking his messages.


Don't tell Jungkook we kiss Okay?

Wednesday 3:09

He close his eyes and hope he was having a dream inside a dream. He pinch his arm and it defiantly hurt. He look to his other side and jump in surprised. Jimin was next to him. He realizes ChimChim didn't have a shirt on. He took of the cover that was covering the older.


He was  fully naked. It didn't took long to realizes that he himself was naked. He slowy got up from the bed and put on Jimin sweater and a pair of short that was in the side of the bed. He also noticed he was in Jimin's house. He got out of the classroom and walk down the stairs. There were bottle of beer all over the places.

He ran to the bathroom as fast as he could. He threw up and then wash his faces. He then started to smell the scent of alcohol coming out of his mouth. He got up and have his mind set on leaving without Jimin noticing.

But he was too late.

"Did we did something?"

Taehyung could smell the scent of liquor in his breath.

My Boyfriend Best Friend {VMIN}Where stories live. Discover now