“So, the first question is from @iluvsws_ptv. Do you want it to be a girl or boy?” I read. The memory of Ricky asking me the same question instantly popped into my head. “Ricky and I both want it to be a girl and we found out a few weeks ago that it is,” I answered, a smiling stretching across my face.

“Next question,” I announced, scrolling down on my notifications, “@MotionlessInTheDark asked if we’ve thought of names,” I stated. “We haven’t really thought of any names yet. I kinda want to name her a neutral name, though, since I’m not a huge fan of girly names,” I answered. It was common knowledge that I hated anything too girly and there was no way I was putting my daughter through the torture of having a name like ‘Gabriella.’

“Next. @MrsHorror asks if we’re getting married. No, we’re not getting married. I’ve actually never wanted to get married. My opinion will probably change eventually, but for now we’re just moving in together,” I spoke. I was actually becoming a bit glad that I couldn’t see who was watching. I was becoming a tad apprehensive about this and what the fans were thinking about all of this.

I scrolled down a bit more and read the next tweet to myself. @MIWRocks: @IntoTheMidnight Why are you such a whore? There is no way @RickyHorrorx can be happy with you. I felt my heart sink as I read. I had to blink a few times to make sure no tears would escape my eyes. I knew I shouldn’t let a meaningless tweet get to me, but why the hell did people have to be such jerks? I quickly kept moving to the next tweet, but it was filled with just as much hate as the last. Thankfully, the one after that was an actual question because I don’t think I could’ve handled another mean one.

“Next,” I began. “@WeLoveITD asks if I’m leaving the band,” I read aloud. “The answer is of course no. I love music and being in this band has always been my dream and there’s no way I’m giving everything I’ve worked for with this band up,” I answered. It was a silly question but I guess a lot of band members who have kids end up leaving their band. It does seem a bit hard to be a good parent and a touring musician, but Ricky and I would figure it out.

As I went onto the next question, I realized it was another jerk saying that I was a ‘whore.’ As much as I told myself they just disliked me because they liked Ricky, I was having a hard time believing it. “To all you guys who think I’m a ‘slut’ now,” I heard myself begin. I was like something had taken over my mouth. “Well, I don’t really care what you think. Ricky and I are happy and that’s what matters. If you have a problem, that’s fine. You don’t have to agree with the way we’re living, but it would be nice if you just laid off. This isn’t going to be easy for us and it would be cool if you guys had the decency to leave us alone,” I finished. I was surprised at myself for saying all that. I usually barely said anything. I guess I was just done with everyone walking all over me and being everyone’s punching bag. I always got shit for being quiet and I was done taking it. “Just saying, don’t get a pregnant women angry,” I added, trying to lighten the mood. I suddenly seemed to be able to come out of my shell and I was actually enjoying this.


"Hey, Midnight. Can I get a picture with you?" someone questioned from behind me. I turned around to see a teenage boy with an Into The Dark t-shirt. It was the first day of the new tour and I was hanging out at our merch table.

"Of course," I replied with a warm smile. I put an arm around him and put up the metal fingers with my other hand. I smiled as his friend snapped the picture.

"Thanks. I love you guys' music and you're an amazing drummer," he complimented after his friend put the camera down. I could feel a smile break out on my face. There wasn't a better feeling than knowing fans appreciated out music.

"Thank you. That means a lot," I replied, pulling him into an awkward hug. My ever-growing stomach made any hug quite awkward. I was surprised most fabs still wanted me to hug them.

"And congratulations on the baby. You and Ricky are gonna be awesome parents," he told me with a grin. The fans had for the most part stopped harassing me about getting pregnant. 

"Thank you. I'm glad you guys are being cool with all this. I wasn't sure how everyone would take it," I admitted. He gave me an understanding nod. My fear sounded kind of silly now.

"Well, I think it's awesome. Thanks for the picture," he told me before him and his friend left. That was why I loved meeting fans. They were usually really cool and it made me really happy.

A few moments later, I heard annoying laughter behind me. I almost didn't want to turn around to see who was making such a horrid noise. I could just imagine the slutty-looking girls who were most likely standing behind me. When I heard them whisper my name, I finally spun around to see two blonde girls with low cut tank tops and jeans that looked like they were painted on. It was the normal unpleasant sight of wanna-be groupies.

"Did you want something?" I questioned. All the pregnancy hormones made me a lot more agile and I wasn't usually afraid to stand up for myself.

"No. Why would we want anything from a where like you?" the slut questioned. Normally, I would've let what she said get to me and run off with tears in my eyes but I wasn't about to sit back and take it anymore.

"Well, I guess it takes one to know one," I shot back, She was about to turn to her friend again, but my comment made her stop. Getting people like her angry was actually quite rewarding. It felt nice.

"Did you just call me a whore?" she asked in astonishment. I guess she wasn't expecting me to fight back since I was usually so quiet, but I wasn't going to let them win anymore.

"Well, not directly, but did I really need to say it?" I retorted. Her eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets. She obviously was not expecting my sudden abrasive behavior.

"Well, aren't you a bitch," she sneered. Well, wasn't she the queen of comebacks. Calling me a bitch literally had no affect on me. Especially not after all the Tweets I had gotten.

"Is that seriously the best you can come up with?" I asked with the attitude dripping from my voice. I seriously could've punched her in the face in that moment. 

"Ok, Midnight. I think that's enough," Trent interjected, pulling me away from the girl and her friend. "Sorry. It's the pregnancy hormones," he apologized to the girl.

"Don't apologized. She started it," I hissed at him. He shook his head at me, obviously disappointed with my actions. I let out an aggravated sigh.

"That doesn't give you the right to harass her. Can’t you learn to just walk away?” he argued. He just didn’t understand. I didn’t want to just take everyone’s shit anymore.

“You just don’t understand,” I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest. Why did certain people have to be so mean? People get pregnant everyday, but I’m a slut because I’m in a band. The world just doesn’t make sense.

“Sorry, but I don’t want you to go to jail for beating someone up,” he replied, clearly exacerbated. He was right of course and I was glad he cared, but I wasn’t going to hit her. She wasn’t worth it. Just because I wasn’t going to let people push me around anymore didn’t mean that I would get into a fight with someone.

I Need To Be Loved (Ricky Horror Fan Fic) [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now