"Leave." Cheryl said and Marley walked down the bleachers.
"Don't have to tell me twice. Veronica you killed it. If you don't win it's rigged," Marley said before leaving the gymnasium.

When Marley left the gymnasium the corridors were empty and she sat on the floor against the lockers and took out her phone. She quickly googled the hospital her dad was staying at to get the number. When she found the number she quickly phoned it not worrying about the charges.

"Hello, University College London hospital. How can I help you?" A female voice said down the phone.

"Hi, my dad was a patient there and he hasn't phoned me. I just want to know if he's alright. His name is Kian Jackson," Marley said and the woman on the other line hummed.

"What ward?" The woman asked and Marley's face twisted in confusion.
"Huh?" Marley asked and the woman sighed out of boredom.

"The ward he was on. This is one of the largest hospitals in this city I need to know the ward he was on to narrow down the search," the women said and Marley rolled her eyes.

"I don't know what ward his on. What ward do they put patients suffering from cancer on?" Marley asked and the women sighed again.

"We have seven cancer wards. Ma'am you will need to be more specific," the woman said and Marley sighed.

"Can't you just search his name?" Marley asked hopefully.
"I have. There are ninety patients with the last name 'Jackson,'" The women said and Marley sighed again.

"He had a health care assistant by the name of 'Jordan Ramal' the ward she works on will be the ward my dad is on," Marley said hoping that will help.

"I'm sorry we don't release information about our staff," The women said and Marley sighed angrily.

"I don't know if my dad is dead or not. I live across the fucking ocean so if you can please do your job and help me get some peace of mind it will be greatly appreciated," Marley said angrily and the women sighed. Marley heard typing on a keyboard from the other side of the phone.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help you," the women said and Marley hung up the phone. Marley leaned her head back against the locker and sighed shortly after Gina came around the corner carrying test papers and homework that needs to be marked. Marley stood up to help her aunt carry some of them. The two of them began to walk to the exit of the school.

"I don't understand, you can't possibly like marking homework," Marley said and Gina shook her head.
"Of course not. But it has to be done," Gina said and Marley raised an eyebrow.

"How about you give less homework and less tests? Voilà less to mark," Marley said and Gina chuckled. The two of them walked out of the school and Marley helped her aunt put her stuff in Her aunts new car.
The next morning Marley woke up and called Jughead. She has only slept for three hours that night and she spent most of the night worrying about her dad.

"Happy birthday," Marley said as soon as he answered and she heard Jughead sigh and Marley frowned.

"I can't believe Archie told you. Thanks I guess," Jughead said and Marley rolled her eyes.

"What time does the double feature start?" Marley asked stroking Chewie who had climbed on her bed during the night.

"Marley, you really don't have to come if you don't want to-" Jughead began but Marley interrupted him.

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