thirty-four; goodbyes

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He didn't die. He could never die. Somehow, Niklaus Mikaelson always remained alive. No matter how many times people have come after him, he will never leave this earth. All because of love. His siblings and he may fight, but in the end, they'd come up together. They'd have each other's backs even if they threatened to never stand by each other's sides. It's was promise they made to each other centuries ago.

Always and Forever.

That vow was shared between each other; with family. That's until they met the one and only, Adelaide Salvatore. She was a newborn vampire. She had know idea what was happening to her, but she knew she was hungry. Hungry for a different kind of food. Hungry for humans.

She blacked out after that. What felt like hours to her, but was really minutes. Multiple bodies laid around her as her mind came back to reality. Her golden yellow dress now drenched in blood. Her face, neck, and hands were coated with her victims blood. She was having a melt down on the outside, but inside, she loved it.

She loved the feeling of their warm blood going down her throat, she loved hearing them scream for mercy, she loved it all. All she did was smile once their hearts came to a complete stop. No beating, no breathing, just dead. But the love for her actions didn't stop her from having a melt down.

It was the same old new vampire story. They kill innocents for their blood, their eyes open, and realize what they've done or have become, then cry. Adelaide had been on the verge of all of those things but then she met someone.

Elijah Mikaelson.

She stared at him in confusion as to why he didn't freak out himself. Her appearance was horrific, the dead bodies on the floor caused a sort of stench. But he didn't. In fact, he was amused. He had been watching her as she killed her victims. He had timed her killings, counting the seconds she took till she was done.

It took about two minutes to kill thirty so fast. He'd never seen anyone kill that fast beside his own family. He already knew how proud a certain little brother would be if he had saw her. But he didn't want to worry about that. Adelaide had been a girl version of him before he had turned. Quiet, shy, and innocent. It was obviously her choice had been taken away from her and there was no going back.

After days of teaching Adelaide how to be a proper vampire, she finally met Elijah's siblings. Elijah had been keeping her away from then seeing as they could be cruel, and the new born vampire hasn't controlled her emotions that well. And the first to be met was Niklaus Mikaelson himself.

The almighty hybrid had to admit that a girl like Adelaide was rare. Her beauty was rare and he was lucky to be standing in front of her. The feeling wasn't just one sided. Adelaide couldn't help but feel attracted to the man. His soft, dirty blonde hair, his sexy smirk pulling at his plump lips, how his body fit perfectly in that suit.

Both of their worlds stopped. If felt as though Elijah had faded from their sight, and it was only them together. Klaus felt the wolf inside of him grow excited. Adelaide couldn't deny the tingling feeling inside of her two. As his blue eyes stared into her hazels ones, chills ran up each other's spine. The feeling was painful, but in a good way.

Only weeks later, Adelaide had ran into the next Mikaelson to be met. This one was the flirtatious one of all. Yup, you guessed it. It was Kol Mikaelson. The Mikaelson were known to be hosting the best balls in town. Everything was perfect making other host jealous.

Their house was humongous, and for that, they even had a ball room. Their ball room was as big a house itself. Almost everyone was able to fit in there and have more than enough room to dance. That night, Adelaide was the life of the party. The moment she walked down the huge golden steps of the Mikaelson Manor, she had caught eye from everyone. Including, Kol Mikaelson.

1. | ADELAIDE SALVATORE [KLAUS MIKAELSON]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz