one; masquerade

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"Here," Damon handed Caroline a glass of blood. They were in the library room of the boarding house.

"I'm still shaking." She lightly chuckled before taking a sip of the blood.

"What happened?" Stefan asked as he walked into the room.

"Go ahead, tell him." Damon told Caroline. "You're gonna love this."

"I saw Katherine today." Caroline said.

"Where?" Stefan crossed his arms over his chest.

"At the grill." Caroline sighed. "I just stopped by to gawk and... quasi-stalk Matt.

"Skip the teen drama and get to it." Damon rolled his eyes.

"Then I had to pretend to use the bathroom. Even though I didn't really have to go, 'cause I'm a dufus. Then Katherine told me she wanted me to deliver a message." Caroline sighed.

"What was the message?" Stefan

"She wants the moonstone or she will rip the town apart until it rains blood." Caroline said. Stefan looked up at Damon.

"Tell him the rest of it." Damon demanded.

"She wants it tonight. At the masquerade ball." Caroline sighed.

"She wants to do it in public. Killing Mason threw her off guard." Stefan said.

"She's running scared. What she did to Jenna was desperate." Damon said. "She out of tricks."

"We can't underestimate her. We have to play this smarter than her." Stefan paced around the room.

"Can't we just give her the moonstone so she'll leave?" Caroline asked with fear in her voice.

"No. Katherine is not getting dick. I've had it." Damon said. "I'm gonna go to the masquerade ball and I'm gonna kill her. Tonight."

"I'm in." A new voice rang through the room. All three of the vampire looked up.

"I was wondering when you'd show up." Damon smirked at his little sister.

"I came as soon as you called, brother." Adelaide said, her English accent showing. She walked towards Damon and engulfed him into a hug.

"Little brother." Adelaide smirked at Stefan once she pulled away from Damon.

"Adelaide, I miss you." Stefan then engulfed her into a hug. They pulled apart and Adelaide looked towards the blonde vampire sitting on the couch.

"And who are you, love?" Adelaide asked Caroline.

"This is Caroline." Stefan said to Adelaide. "Caroline, this is my older sister-"

"And my younger sister, Adelaide." Damon finished.

"Hi. I didn't even know Damon and Stefan had a sister." Caroline smiled.

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