thirty; break on through

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"I both hate and love Chicago." Adelaide muttered to herself as she walked down the streets with Klaus, "Is this the only place you guys run off too. Like why not go somewhere where no one wants to go. Why not Ohio?"

Klaus and Adelaide had woken up at the but crack of dawn when one of Klaus' hybrids spotted Finn trudging down the streets. Now the reunited couple was walking down the streets.

"We'd actually run to New Orleans but Finn obviously doesn't know that since he's been locked in a coffin for over nine hundred years." Klaus smirked. Adelaide rolled her eyes and slapped his arm.

Adelaide looked over where Finn started to walk, "There he is."

The two both sped over to the oldest Mikaelson, walking on each side of him. Finn noticed their presents and rolled his eyes, not glancing at them either.

"Hello, brother." Klaus greeted with a sinister grin.

"Hola," Adelaide greeted along with him.

"Niklaus, Adelaide. I have nothing to say to you." Finn immediately says.

"Well, we're here to chat. Why would we wake up at the butt crack of dawn just to come down here and have a nice conversation by the fire with a cup of tea. That's too much work." Adelaide rambled.

Klaus rolled his eyes at Adelaide, "I will ask you one time, though, where's our mother?"

"Gone to find another way to end our abdominal lives. And when she does, I will sacrifice myself all over again." Finn announced to them.

"Well, how fortunate that I found you. I require your assistance." Klaus stated.

Finn let out a laugh, "I have no wish to help you. Only to see you dead. Along with your wife."

"Hey, don't be fucking rude." Adelaide snapped at him. Klaus grinned at that.

"Well, that's the thing. You see, you won't be able to see us dead because if we die, then you die, so it's wish unfulfilled." Klaus reminded his older brother in a sarcastic way.

"Oh, bother someone else with your hollow charms, Niklaus." Finn said, getting agitated.

"Why? When I can bother my big brother. I need you to accompany me back to Mystic Falls—"

"We have a witch there who can help undo Esther's spell that linked us together." Adelaide finished for Klaus with a wide smile playing on her lips.

"I have no wished to be unlinked!" Finn declared.

"Again with the wishes," Klaus rolled his eyes, putting a hand on Finn's chest so he could stop walking. "Let me rephrase— you will come back with me or I will put you back in that coffin in which you rotted for nine hundred years."

Finn smirked, "What happens to one happens to all. You may not feel the effects of the dagger, but you'd loose you're precious Rebekah. Perhaps maybe even your precious wife you reunited with just recently."

"Wouldn't be the first time." Klaus growled back at him.

Finn shook his head and pushed past the two. Klaus watched him walk away before turning his attention to Adelaide, who was gawking at him.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "What?"

"That was fucking rude." Adelaide exclaimed.

"But it was true." Klaus pointed out.

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