X. Chaperones (Jeanmarco)

429 20 3

written on — 19 sept 14

inspiration — a hurtful breakup, fancy suits and hair, and the lovely song makes me wonder by maroon 5. you're welcome. 

word count — 1,500 

artist — check out johannathemad in the external link! her post was of several photos, so i didn't want to pick a favourite between jean and marco. enjoy. 


The last thing Jean Kirschtein wanted at 10:30PM at night was an emergency phone call, especially when he was indulging in hot pizza and the latest episode of Orange Is The New Black. He took another bite of pizza and answered his phone. "Hullo."

        "Jean." Armin's voice flooded with relief, followed by a fit of coughing. "Thank God you're still awake. I have an issue."

          "And what would that be?" he asked.

          Armin's end was silent for a brief moment. Jean felt one of his eyebrows raise involuntarily, leaning back in the reclining chair he was sitting in. "Sorry," came a mumble. "I had to blow my nose."

          "Now that you mention it, you do sound a little sick." Jean's brows furrowed. "Are you alright?"

          "Not really. I just got sick with the flu. You—" A loud, almost deathly coughing was heard through the phone; Jean moved the device away from his ear until Armin was done. "You know how I get when I'm sick."

          Jean laughed lightly. "Yeah, I do. What favour do you need this time?"

          Armin coughed, and not because of his illness. "You know the elementary school I volunteer at sometimes? Trost Elementary?"

          "What about it?"

          "The seventh and eighth grades are having their Valentine's Day dance. I was supposed to chaperone but now I can't. They can't be short of people, and—"



          Jean rolls his eyes; he can see Armin's surprise through the phone. "I said sure, I'll take over for you. Dances are normally only, what, four hours long or something? It's not like I have anything better to do."

          "But—" Armin sighed. Jean had no idea what he was about to say, but he didn't care. He normally had better things to do on a Friday night; tomorrow was not one of those Friday nights. He could hear Armin's smile through the phone when he continued, "Just make sure you dress formally. It's one of those fancy banquet halls with a formal dress code, so you'll need a bow tie."

          This time it was Jean who sighed. "Am I actually going to go out and buy a bow tie to take care of dumb twelve-year-olds for you?"

          "Or you can borrow one from Marco..."

          Jean cringed. "I'll take that as a yes to buying then. You owe me the money after."

          "Fine. Have fun, Jean."


Jean observed himself in his bedroom mirror once more. He was happy his suit from homecoming still fit, but he had to admit that he was lost when it came to tying his bow tie. Before his mom left for work, he had to begrudgingly ask her to do it up for him. Other than that small mishap, his hair was still perfectly messy and his undercut had been freshened up earlier in the day.

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