We are Animals

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Based on the amazing short film with the same name on youtube! I recommend you guys to watch it! Anyway, enjoy the longest one shot i have ever written with 1066 words! 

Carl Grimes walked in the streets with purple circles around his eyes while looking at heterosexual posters, and he eventually looked at a poster of president Ronald Reagan, covered in a pink spray paint like the other posters and this poster has Reagan as a pink kitty with these words: "Think Pink". Carl touched the fresh paint and walked away with pink liquid on his finger prints. He kept walking and walking until he reached the Quarantine Arena, filled with Homosexuals known as the Pink Panthers who rebel for themselves. Carl came in as the official nurse, and guards let him in because he's so clean. Just clean.  Carl went to the bathroom to take the Celabron pills, pink little pills. His friend, Patrick, startled him leading the brunette dropping the pills on the floor by accident. Carl got nervous with Patrick helping him out and Patrick tells the grimes, "Is that Celabron? What you're doing.... is great. That medicine saved my life."

Carl looked at the boy with pain in his eyes and says, "I can't sleep. I can't eat. They're fucking poisoning me!"

"Do you want to get better?" Patrick asked. Carl stayed quiet, but nodded. Patrick gives him the pills and tells him, "than do this."

Carl takes the pill and drinks the water from the sink, feeling the aching pain. He than got out and saw a dirty blonde haired boy with his legs strapped and a piercing on his lip with colorful tips of his hair. Carl came in with the tools he needed and checked on the boy's record: Ron Anderson, the leader of the pink panthers. He can also see the tattoo of the symbol of the group of homosexuals but looked away when the leader begins to look at the nurse.

"So what's it like?" Ron asked Carl, "Will they cut it off?"

Carl ignored the questions, knowing that it is an uncomfortable topic to talk about yet he tells him the honest truth, "You'll be anesthetized. Sedated."

"No way, sweetie pie," Ron says, cooing the Nurse, "I wanna feel everything. Even the pain."

"We can't do that," Carl says to him, "It sounds inhumane."

Ron smirked even more and asked Carl, "Since when that Stop anyone?"

"I'm sorry," Carl says to him, "The government requires that every patient must be sedated during a procedure.

"How are you feeling down there, nurse boy?" Ron tells Carl, knowing the boy's scent, "Body's strong..... it is resisting the pills."

Carl stopped, shocked about what Ron knows about him. The pills. He looked at his gay patient and asked, "How did you know that?"

"I could smell you meters away. My nose never fails me."

Carl gets upset and says, "I don't know what you've heard, but you're wrong! I'm straight! Okay? I'm straight!"

"So is spaghetti," Ron says, seducing Carl, "Till you get it wet....... and hot."

Carl decided to check Ron's blood pressure, making things worse since Ron is getting turned on with what the poor nurse is doing. Ron moaned in pleasure making Carl feel extremely uncomfortable with the situation leading Carl to stop and got upset since this leader is definitely is pushing his buttons. Carl was putting everything away until Ron grabbed him and puts the nurse's hand on the leader's tumescent member which made Carl hear only the disturbing slurp sounds. Carl eventually pulled away as a doctor came in. He looked around the table filled with tools and asked the nurse, "Where's the scalpel?"

Ron winked at Carl and pulled out the scalpel, brutally murdering the doctor. Carl watched in terror as Ron grabbed the young nurse hostage and forced him to let the panthers go. A lock down came along with the homosexuals getting away and Ron knocking out Carl, taking the nurse as his new lover and yells for the panthers, "WAIT FOR ME!"


Carl wakes up moments later, with his eyes no longer having purple circles and follows the sound of Ron making an announcement about creating a new revolution. The ex-nurse now sees Ron, showing the Celabron that he's going to get rid off. Carl could lose what can help him, and he knows it; Carl began to ran away as Ron could smell him and began to chase the brunette who wanted to get away. Ron kept running and running after Carl as he yells, "You Can't go back! You don't know where to go! Better run, sweetheart, better run!"

The sun went down and Carl felt like collapsing, but Ron caught him and tackled him. The leader choked the ex-nurse, beginning to kiss his soft neck and cheeks, "You can't go back."

Carl whimpered softly and tells Ron, "I can't be a part of this. I can't. "

"Yeah?" Ron says, breathing on Carl's heated cheeks, "Well you're here, you queer. Just do it."

Ron pushed Carl to the ground, leading the brunette to look at him in his fearful blue eyes. Ron smirked and says him, "You felt something, didn't you? Your pills are wearing off, and you're regaining your true self."

"Was that your plan?" Carl asked him, "To hold me hostage until the pills wear off?"

"A man's not a man until the pills wear off." Ron says, running his fingers down to Carl's shirt, "I'm doing you a favor, princess."

Ron aggressively rips Carl's nurse shirt, exposing the beautiful pale chest that has never been touched. Carl panicked and asked, "What are you doing?"

"freeing the beast"

Carl turned Ron around and looked at him, staring at the boy like a god who he can't keep his eyes off; he is the most beautiful thing Carl has ever seen in his life and realized his true self when the pills went away from him, I'm gay..... and I love Ron.

Carl pulls Ron into a kiss in a loving and passionate way, feeling the true sparks between them. The boys stripped themselves with Carl's heavy breathing and they continued kissing while digging into each other's skin. Carl then kissed Ron's nips and his neck, moaning by the beautiful bliss when Ron's member is inside him and scratched his back as a way of marking his territory. Ron then kissed all over Carl, who moaned more and more as Ron continued taking his own virginity, knowing that this boy is taking his virginity. Carl and Ron continued as they held each other's hands, feeling the love they have for each other.

Carl realized that meds couldn't save him........... only love can do that.

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