Part 8

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~Molly's POV~

That morning I wake up, grab something to eat and turn on the tv I'm not really watching it because I'm rethinking everything that had happened last night. It was so perfect.

~Alexis's POV~

As soon as I wake up and check my phone. I have texts from both niklas and patty. I ignore them for now and text Molly

A: come over and tell me what everything!!!

M: okay ill come over ASAP

A: hurry up!! I wanna know all the details

M: I'm coming, I'm coming calm down😂😂

While I wait for Molly I respond to pat and hjammer

P: hey want to hang out today? After 2 because I have practice

A: yeah sure!

P: ill pick you up at your house?

A: yeah that sounds good!

P: see you then!!:)

N: hi!:)

A: hey what's up?

N: practice is about to start. Want to get together later?

A: I can't I'm sorry I have plans. Maybe another time?

N: yeah sure

A: good luck at practice!!

N: thanks Alexis!!

The doorbell rang and I went to go answer it. As soon as I saw Molly I demanded to know what had happened. She told me all about how he had asked to come over and the stories he told and how they were cuddling by the end of the movie. It was just soooooo cute! After listening to her story all I could say is that I wish I could have a relationship like that. "Don't worry" Molly said " both Kane and hjalmarsson like you so you'll get it soon enough" "oh crap!! i forgot! Patrick is picking me up at 2!" I look at the clock it's 1:30. "Do you want me to have Patrick bring Andrew with?" I ask Molly. "Yeah sure!" "Ok ill text him"

A: hey, could you bring Andrew with you?

P: why? Is Molly going to be there?

A: yeah:)

P: ok cool! Andrew really likes her

A: molly likes him too. I think we should work on setting them up together;)

P: yeah great idea! Ok gotta go Q needs me ill see you in a bit!

A: ok see ya!:)

"Molly Andrew is going to come over with Patrick after practice ok?"

"Ok cool" she says. She's trying to act like its no big deal but I know she's super excited to see him again. At 2 the doorbell rings and I go and open it. Patrick gives me a huge hug and even though he's all sweaty it's nice. Andrew just says hi to me and walks over to where Molly's sitting on the couch. He sits down next to her and they start talking. Patrick and I share a knowing glance. "I guess we should start our match making now then" he says laughing "I guess we should" I reply as he takes my hand and we walk over to Molly and Andrew.

~if anything is confusing just comment:)~

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