Parts 2&3

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~part 2~

Alexis and I walked back to her apartment

"I guess we should text him now" I say looking at the piece of paper

"Yeahhhh I guess so" she replies " ill text him"

(T=tommy A=Alexis)

A: hey tommy it's Alexis from the ice rink

T: hey Alexis! Are you ready for the game tomorrow?

A: heck yeah I am! What time do we need need to be ready?

T: well since the game is at 6 I'd say be ready at 4:30 so we have time to get over there. Ill pick you two up at the rink. Sound good?

A: yeah! We'll be there!

T: see ya!

A: bye

*end of text message*

The rest of the night Alexis and I just jammed out to music and watched movies. After we finished watching Harry Potter I flipped to the news channel to see what the weather was supposed to be like.

*tv anchor*"the Chicago Blackhawks will be at Johnny's Ice house signing autographs and meeting with fans in 2 days from 10am-2pm" as soon as he said that Alexis and I looked at each other this is our chance to get to know the boys!!!! We jumped up and down like little fangirls getting to go to a One Direction concert(no hate just a connection) then we turned the tv and I went home thinking about what was going to happen the next 2 days. It would be a Blackhawks paradise...well that's what I thought..,.

~part 3~

That morning I woke up and looked over at my clock it was already 12 and Alexis was coming over at 12:15 "crap" I said as I jumped out of bed and got dressed in my shaw jersey and leggings. Then I heard a knock on the door "coming!!" I yelled as I pulled my hair into a pony tail. I opened the door and let Alexis in. She was wearing her hossa jersey. "Ready for tonight?" I ask "heck yeah I am! This will be sooo much fun! I love going to hawks games!" "Who doesn't?" I laugh " so what do you want to do before we go meet up with tommy?" " lets go eat something" she says running out the door "hey wait up!"I call locking the door and running after her. After we ate Alexis and I walked around a bit talking about the hawks until it was time to go meet tommy. We walked to the ice rink, when tommy saw us he waved "ready for the game?" He asked "what wouldn't we be"I responded "lets get going!

*at the UC*

We walked into the madhouse I was in awe it was so amazing! Even though I had been there many times it still made my heart stop when I saw the ice. As we got to our seats in the 200 section I looked around for shaw on the ice and finally found him. Seeing the boys play in person is the best thing ever! The game finally started after Jim cornelision sang the national anthem sending shivers up and down my body. The period went by quickly and soon we were up 2-0 with goals by sharp and Kruger. The next two periods went by in the blink of an eye and Alexis and I were having a blast. After the 3 stars of the game were announced(3hossa 2sharp 1kruger) tommy told us to follow him we went down the escalator and walked into the players entrance I look at Alexis and see that she's thinking the same thing. We're going to meet the boys!

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