Chapter 1 Moving

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The ever long trip from her beloved hometown in Ohio, to sunny Florida, was soul-crushing. All 1,228 miles of it. Taylor stared out the window desperately wanting the trip to come to an end so she could get out of the car, yet it wouldn't make things better or change the fact of being in a different state. As the scenery went by all she could notice was that everything was really, really, really green; slight patches of brown mixed in the different shades of green. Having seen enough she let out a deep breath for the millionth time since hearing the news about the move, yet if she should close her eyes she could still picture the day the news broke changing everything she knew.

Flashback three weeks ago

Taylor had just returned home from cheerleading practice from where she stood she could hear her parents voices, as she walked into the kitchen they stopped talking, looked at Taylor, worriness in their eyes as they then shared a glance with one another. Taylor could tell something was going on from the expression they both mirrored. Many thoughts began to race across her mind, like a death in the family, divorce, or an affair. Before her thoughts got out of control further she forces herself to stop the thoughts in their tracks by grabbing a bottle of water she took a long drink before turning to face them. "What's going on? You both look serious and worried." Again her parents shared a look before turning back to their daughter.

Taking a calming breath in her mother Ashlee waved a hand towards a chair wanting Taylor to sit, only when Taylor sat did Ashlee began to speak. "Yes Taylor, it is something serious. But before we tell you please try to stay calm, and listen to everything we have to say. Alright?" Taylor nodded agreeing to try to stay calm and listen, yet she was by far from being calm.

Before she realized the words were out of her mouth Taylor had to ask if they were getting a divorce she couldn't help it and needed to get it out of the way, yet in a way, if it were true she felt like it would be a betrayal. Was one of them having an affair? How could they do that to her and her twin brother Tyler? The chuckling of her father brought her out of her thoughts as he patted his daughter's hand in an attempt to calm her down.

"No, sweetheart. Your mother and I are not getting a divorce, and neither of us hasn't had an affair. It's nothing like that. Take a deep breath in and relax." Brandon did his best to assure his daughter that their family wasn't going to be split apart in any form.

Hearing those words Taylor did as her father asked and took a deep breath in. She was glad to hear the family was staying together but it still worried her about what the news could be. Was there a death in the family? "Okay if it's not that then what is it? Was there a death in the family? It wasn't grandma Cecilia? Or grandpa Neil?" For an instant, her blood ran cold as if ice had replaced of the warmth of blood.

"No there wasn't a death in the family both grandma Cecilia and grandpa Neil are doing well. Now stop guessing you'll only worry yourself further." Ashlee smiled with a small shake of her head.

Before speaking Brandon took a moment as if to find the right words to what needed to be said ones that wouldn't upset his daughter to her core yet he knew however he said she'll still take it hard. With that he knew he needed to speak taking a breath in he spoke, "What your mother was trying to say is we're moving to a new house," then waited a moment letting the information sink in.

Once the news set in Taylor began to relax. "Oh well, then that's cool moving closer to Bellview." Shrugging her shoulders as she started to stand but her father grabbed her hand keeping her in place.

"We're not done here," Brandon said firmly releasing hold of Taylor's hand. "We're not moving closer to Bellview or anywhere in Ohio. We're moving to Florida." He now waited for his daughter to start freaking out. This was the reason he wanted to tell the twins separately because he knew Taylor would the most upset.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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