The End

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A/N: This is it! The final chapter!

No One's P.O.V.

"Long enough for me to kill you."

"You can try your best, they will save me!" Leonardo swore. Oroku Saki laughed "Trust me, they wont."

"Think again dude." They both looked at the door to find the window broken and everyone inside except for Shawn who was climbing through it now. "What! How did you defeat them!" he asked dumbfounded. "Because we are awesome! Now let my brother go!"

Oroku Saki smiled "They call me Shredder for a reason." he said as blades came out of his gauntlet. "Hey! I'm supposed to be the one who names stuff!" Mikey cried out. Shredder launched at the group and aimed for Michelangelo but was stopped by Raphael's sai.

Karai ran over to Leonardo and cut the ropes holding him and undid his blindfold. "Thanks." he said wearily standing up. She handed him his shirt and he quickly put it on hoping no one saw all the bruises and marks on his stomach and chest.

She handed him his katana's and he took it with a smile. "We'll need some help over here!" Raphael called and the couple went to their sides. "Fine, you shall all perish at my feet!" Shredder stated blades coming out of his other gauntlet.

"What do I do?" Shawn asked awkwardly. "Here." April said handing him a sword. "O-Okay." he muttered and joined them all. Raphael's sais got stuck in his blades and Shredder started swinging him in circles making Raph hit his friends and family.

"Get me off of this thing before I stick my sais into you neck and pry off your head!" he threatened. "Haha your threats don't scare me child!" Shredder stated and threw Raphael to the wall.

"You will pay!" Leonardo stated and lunged at the man their weapons hitting one another causing  loud clashing sound. "Face it Leonardo, you cant defeat me!" he yelled and kicked the teen into the wall.

He laughed at April and Shawn standing in the back trying to help Michelangelo and Donatello they got extremely hurt when he made Raph hurt them. "Daughter." he lowly said as Karai ran toward him.

"You insult me with that!" she yelled and hit him with her tanto. He laughed "You cannot hurt me! I have taught you everything you know!" he exclaimed. Shredder smacked her as hard as he could causing her to go flying to Raphael.

Leonardo  shakily stood up, blood seeping through his shirt. "And what will you do child?" Saki laughed. "More then you expect." Leo said, his breath was hitched he was weak. Although he couldn't give up.

He started walking toward the metal covered man but Shawn beat him to it just to be hit into the wall....but this time he hit a bit red button causing the silent alarm to go off. Of course Shredder didn't notice, he was to busy with Leonardo.

 The teen ran toward Shredder with all his strength taking a hit, causing one of his gauntlets to come off. Once Leonardo noticed the silent alarm he laid down to the floor making it look like he passed out.

"See child!" Saki yelled pulling his arm up (The one with the gauntlet.) getting ready for the final blow just for the police to knock down the door and what did they see?

Teenagers laying on the ground passed out covered in blood and one of them laying on the ground at the feet of Oroku Saki about to die.


They were all taken to the hospital immediately. After a few hours they were all awake and okay. None had broken bones just scars, wrappings, and bruises all over their bodies.

"I wish I was there to help you Raphie." Mona Lisa said laying her head on Raph's stomach. "I was so weak." Karai complained to Leo. "No you weren't." he kept saying over and over to his girlfriend. While they were all having their conversations April and Donnie where having their own.


"April, this might be the last time we see each other and I want to tell you something." Donatello coughed. "W-What is it?" she asked on the verge of crying. "I-I love you." he stuttered with a forced smile.

"I do to."

~~End of flashback~~

"So uh wanna go out sometime?" Donnie asked blushing furiously. "Y-Yeah I would love to!"

"Pfft I don't have anyone." Mikey said disappointingly. "MICHELANGELO!!! ARE YOU OKAY!!!!" Shinigami yelled after checking on Karai. She felt his forehead "Oh thank god Senpai!" she cried out.

"S-Senpai?" he asked and Shinigami gasped "Y-You guys aren't unconscious?" They could all here Karai's laughter from the other room. Shinigami was blushing and cleared her throat. "I think I better go now" she said and walked out of the room.

"That was awkward."

"No! It was AMAZING!!!!" Michelangelo exclaimed a huge smile on his face.

~~~~A few weeks later~~~

Everyone was healed and just hanging out at the Hamato's house watching a movie all cuddling with their significant other (Mikey and Shini were just sitting next to each other.)

Everything was fine and calm for the Hamato's Shredder was in jail for attempted murder and all his money went to Karai, Alexander went to a foster home everything was totally fine.......or so they thought.

A/N: Cant wait for that sequel! I was planning on it to be at least 1000 words long but nooooooooo apparently my imagination couldn't think of anything else to put. I'm proud of myself though half of this chapter is fight scenes sucky ones but I'm really bad at fight scenes.

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