New Plan

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A/N: Thanks for all your support! The story has 100+ votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you again it means so much to me.

Continuing from last chapter....

No One's P.O.V.

"I wasn't going to say that!" Alexander lied.  "I'll give you another week to steal her heart and if that doesn't work then you will steal her." Shredder ordered. Alex nodded and said 'yes master.' then he left to go and find Karai.

Mean While......

Raphael was having a hard time adjusting to life without a mom or dad. Especially dad. "Sensei." He muttered under his breath. "Raph, I said your not going out tonight!" Leonardo yelled. "Why not?!?!" Raph shot back. "Because I said so!" He yelled back.

"Your not out dad!" Raph yelled and pushed pasted Leo. Leonardo had a hurtful expression on his face from his bother mentioning their father. Raph went to Donnie's lab. He was the only brother that would be understanding, and listens throughout the entire rant.....well sometimes.

"I mean I cant believe it! He's NOT our father! He's not sensei!!!" Raph ranted. "He tries." Donnie murmured "What was that?" Raphael questioned. "I said that he tries!" Donatello yelled Raph had a confused expression on his face so Donnie continued.

"He tries to take care of us! He tries to make sure we have the best! He puts us before himself! He's the most selfless teenager I've ever met!" Donatello yelled tears starting to come out of his eyes.

Raphael just stood there frozen in shock. He was right Leo did try, for them. "D-Don."

Mean While....

Leonardo was waiting for Michelangelo in the dojo for a training session. "Dude!" Mikey yelled and ran into the dojo. "Mikey, get your weapons." Leo said while grabbing his katana's. "No! I have a pen!" He said holding a blue pen in the air with pride in his voice. "Why?" Leonardo asked.

"Because pens are stronger than swords." He answered simply. Leo rolled his eyes and decided to play along. He got into a fighting stance only using a single katana. "Get ready Mikey." he said and charged at his little brother.

Mikey held out his pen and swung it helplessly hoping for it to do magic, but much to his dismay Leonardo cut it I half. "NOOOO! THEY LIED TO ME!!!" Mikey yelled and ran out of the dojo with half of a pen.

Time Skip To Next Day....

"Wait he really fought you with a pen?" Karai asked trying not to laugh mid sentence. "Yeah, this morning he yelled at the teacher for lying to him." Leo said with a laugh. "He'll understand one day." she giggled. "Will he?" Leo asked.

"So what are your pans tonight?" Leo questioned slowly leaning closer to Karai. "I don't have any, what were you planning?" She asked also starting to lean closer. They were now centimeters away from each other.

They both closed the gap between them. "Hey, you gonna eat that sandwich?" The couple pulled away blushing and looked at Alexander who was pointing to Leonardo's sandwich. "Uh, no 'm hungry for something else." he answered and smirked at Karai who scoffed. "Your disgusting sometimes." she said.

"But to cute to be mad at." She stated and kissed him again both forgetting about Alexander who groaned and walked off. "Love you." Leonardo said and pecked her lips "Love you too." she responded and leaned in for another kiss but was interrupted by the bell.

"This is going to be impossible." Alexander said under his breath. Then he thought about it. He wasn't going to steal her heart. He was going with the other option. Stealing her.

He told his 'father' the plan he had and Shredder was pleased. The plan was that he was going to gain Karai's trust, and become her friend. The he will invite he to his house and that's when she will be captured.

Time Skip to weekend....

Karai started to be a little bit more comfortable around Alexander, but Leonardo wasn't to far away from the two which made her even more comfortable. He's invited her to his house multiple times but she refused unless Leo goes with her.He was starting to grow impatient. Shredder has been surprisingly generous and giving Alex a lot of time.

Just yesterday the entire school found out that Alex was Shredder adopted son. He's been getting a lot more attention. Someone said that he's related to Karai. He clearly didn't believe it but he always  kept thinking about it.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" He asked and Karai shook her head. "Me and your father don't exactly get along." She stated. He gave her an confused look but shrugged before she noticed.

Raphael wasn't exactly fond of Alex. I mean, his father was he guy that killed there mom and abused his brothers girlfriend. He was always keeping an eye on the teen ready to attack him if needed.

~~~~~~~ Time Skip to next day~~~~~~

Donatello and Michelangelo are technically bully magnets. Like everyone popular wants to bully them, and Alex has been keeping an eye on them. They knew he was strong, he looked like it. I mean not as strong as Leo or Raph but still. Blaze and Frost have been talking to him lately. Apparently their friends.  

They were supposed to be getting a new student today......exciting. Lets just say not all the new students were the best...

There was Leah, the girl who cheated on Leo and kept trying to get him in love with her once again, and then there was Alex who is Oroku Saki's son. "Class, please welcome-"The Hamato brothers ignored the rest they knew who he was...


A/N: I'm running out of ideas!!!! I'm trying to get this story done b/c well idk why....

Anyways here's something I randomly came up with :)

Once someone came up to me and said that they hated TMNT. The next day they were hit by a bus.....

Now I'm in court.

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