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A/N: I'm still sick but I found this I my drafts and I thought I posted heres this!

No One's P.O.V.

"Master, Hamato Yoshi is dead!" TigerClaw stated. No one really knew how he got the nickname, guess he was just really into tigers. "I know, but that's not what I'm asking you!" Shredder said and he pounded his fist against the side of his throne.

"I asked if he has any relatives!" TigerClaw sighed "Yes four of them, but they are in New York master." he said. A smile grew on Shredders face. "I have a building currently being built there, one it is done we shall go to New York and hunt them down."


"Klunk!!!!!!!!!!" Michelangelo exclaimed as he chased his cat around the house. Leonardo was in the living room texting Karai she was supposed to come back tomorrow night and he was extremely excited.

Donatello was with Raphael who was teaching how to skateboard. "Okay now just push." Raph instructed Donnie did so and as he started to go forward his face lit up with excitement "I'm doing it! I'm doing it! I'm-" he crashed. Donnie looked up and saw a man, and he didn't look happy.

Don gave him a sheepish look and stood up, he grabbed his skateboard and before he could start to move and make his escape "Ahem!" "S-Sorry?" the man grunted and shook his head in disappointment. Raph ran right up to Donnie's side and he also looked at the man. "You teenagers think you can get away with everything don't ya?" he said and Donnie looked down.

"And you think just 'cause your older means you can make us feel sorry for you!" Raph exclaimed and the man looked dumbfounded but his expression quickly changed to a mean one.

"You shouldn't talk like that to me!" He stated Raph just smiled "Why not?" Raphael asked the man grunted and walked away. "Next lesson, pay attention to your surroundings."

"Raph, I know how to do most of it, Mikey taught me a few years ago and I'm just a little rusty." Raph scoffed "A little? You were excited that you were even moving forward! I quote I'm doing it! I'm doing it!."

"But I want to learn tricks!" Raph shook his head and sighed "Fine!"


"Mikey! keep your cat under control!" Leonardo exclaimed "S-Sorry?" Leo shook his head as Mikey ran across the room, finally grabbing his cat. Leo went to the backyard and let Venus in. "Mikey-" Leo said but was interrupted by someone knocking on the door.

Leo walked up to the door and opened it revealing April. "Is Donnie here?" she asked "No he's at the skate park with Raph." Leo said and Mikey groaned "Why couldn't I have gone?" he asked Leo opened his mouth to say something but then there was a scream.

"What was that?" April asked and turned around. "HELP!!!!" Someone screamed. They all ran out of the house (Not the pets) and went toward the noise. "ITS YOU!!!!!" They finally got to the alley and saw a girl yelling at purple dragons. She was in-front of a little boy.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!!" She screamed swinging her fists at the men. "dude that's not cool." Mikey said and they all turned around. "Hey! Those are the kids Slash said he killed!" One of them said and the others grunted. They all started to walk up to them and Leonardo looked around to see if there was anything he could use.

'Everything is a weapon.' he remembered what Sensei always said. Mikey was just doing flips everywhere and April was......wait where was April?

"LEO HELP!!!!!"

A/N: See you guys in a few days!!!!

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