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A/N: I'm so close to 20 chapeters! it might not be big for you but it is for me!

Raph's P.O.V.

"No!" I yelled and he let go of her. "Then we'll have to do this the hard way." he said and went towards a garbage bin and pushed it out of the way and grabbed a mace. "Fine by me, thats my favorite kinda way." I said and pulled out my sias (Dont ask where because I dont even know) "Be safe." I whispered in Mona's ear and we shared a quick kiss. She slowly walked to a safe distance.

Leo's P.O.V.

I ran down the street "Where is he!" I yelled and felt a hand go on my shoulder it was Karai's. "We'll find him." She said assuringly I looked down and then heard a scream. I raced toward it and saw Raph's girlfriend, Mona Lisa. "Where is he!?!?!?" I demanded and she looked shocked and pointed at the alley. I looked in it and saw Raph and Slash fighting. Currently Raph looked like he was winning.

No One's P.O.V.

BAM!!!! You coud hear it from a mile away. Slash hit Raphael with his mace and they flew into a wall. It almost happened in slow motion. Slash smirked and walked off and to the dragons base. "RAPH!!!" Leo, Karai and Mona yelled and raced towards him.

Leo's P.O.V.


So much blood...


To many tears.....

I sat down in a chair Raph's currently in the hospital that hit got him good. I sighed and looked around and saw Karai comforting Mona. They've become pretty good friends after her and Raph started dating. A doctor came out after like a million years and called for me. "You can pick him up at 9:00 A.M." he said and walked off. I told the girls what he said Mona's face was tear stained and stayed silent.

Time Skip....

"Is Raph okay?!?!?" Donnie asked impaitently "We can pick him up at 9:00 in the morning tomorrow." I answered "I asked if he was okay!" I stayed silent and just started to walk towards Karai and my room. "Leo!" Donnie yelled and I sighed in defeat. "He's better then when he was in the car crash." I said and before he could say anything I went into the room and closed the door.Karai decided to stay the night at Mona's to comfort her and I agreed on picking them both up on my way to the hospital.

Time Skip to next day....

it was 8:51 and I was on my way to pick up Karai and Mona Lisa. The both quickly got in the car and we drove to the hospital. The doctor said that his injuries were in the middle of major and minor but a little closer to minor...or at least that's all I got from it. When Raph came out of the room we saw that he didn't have any casts and didn't see anything except for some bruises, whiplashes and cuts. We looked at him with confused faces then he lifted up his shirt and we saw that there was just bandages his entire upper body was covered in them. Mona ran up to him and gave him a hug.

Raph's P.O.V.

She stopped hugging me and we shared a quick kiss. "I'm so glad your okay." She said "Me too." I agreed and we shared another kiss.

Time Skip to a few days later....

"You sure?" She asked and I groaned "I didn't know you cared so much, but I can skateboard." I said and she rolled her eyes and smiled. I hopped onto my skateboard and started doing tons of difficult tricks. "Are you trying to impress me?" she asked with a laugh "No! But are you?" she laughed in return. I stopped the board and got off all my gear and picked up the board.

"You were pretty decent." she said and I pretended to look offended "Decent! It took me like two years to do those tricks perfectly." "I saw a few flaws in them." She said and I rolled my eyes. "I'd like to see you do those tricks." I challenged "I never said I could do them I just said that you couldn't." she replied and kissed me before walking into her house.

Time Skip...

"Raphael and Mona Lisa sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G first come's love them come's marriage then come's a baby sitting in a baby carriage but that's not all that's not all soon the baby'll be drinking achohal." Mikey sang over and over again. I grabbed him by the shirt and swung him over me and he face-planted on the ground.  

Time Skip to night....

Leo's P.O.V.

"Leo!" Karai yelled I stopped the kata I was doing and looked at her "What's wrong?" I asked her "Slash, he's outside the house with something I couldn't see it." I walked over to the weapon stand and picked up my double katana's. I snuck out the back door and went to the front.

Slash was getting something out of the bag and once he got it he walked towards the door. "What are you doing?" he froze in his place and turned around. "Oh! Hello Leonardo!" he said in a surprised tone. "Slash get out of here before anyone gets hurt." I said and he laughed. He threw whatever he was holding inside the house and ran I started to chase him but heard a scream.

"NO!!!!!" I yelled and ran toward the house a fire was starting. I kicked open the door and saw that Raph already got Don and Mikey out. The fire wasnt that big but was spreading quickly. "Karai!" I yelled and heard another scream and ran towards it and saw Karai who was passed out on the floor.

I ran towards her and got us out of the house as quick as I could. I set her down on the lawn and kneeled next to her. "Karai...please." I said and grabbed her hand. She wouldnt breath I started to give her CPR. Right when the firetrucks and ambulance's got here she started breathing. "Karai!" I yelled thankfully and gave her a bear hug and a long passionate kiss.

I pulled away and the police came and began asking us questions about what happened. I told them about Slash and everything they said that they've been having alot of trouble with him. "Thank you kids." The man said and got in his car an drove off. A fireman came up to us and smiled "So, you kids can go back to your house in a month." which is a few daysbefore school starts. Karai whispered in my ear and I nodded. "If you guys need it I can get you a place to stay until your house is ready." he offered but I shook my head "N-No we dont need it thank you though."  I said and he handed me something and I looked down it was......his number? "Call me if you need it." He said and I nodded.

"We do need the place to stay!" Raph protested after they all left. "No, we're staying at Karai's old house." I said and they didnt say anything.

Time Skip to when there at Karai's old house.....

It wasnt as big as our house but it was still pretty big. Mikey and Donnie had to share a room. While Karai and I got the master bedroom (Much to everyone else's dismay) While Raph got his own room, but it was the smallest one. Once we all got settled in we got into bed. "Night Leo." Karai whispered "Night." I said and we shared a kiss.

I swear Slash, if it's the last thing I'll do I will get revenge on you for what you've done to my family.

A/N: Hoe you enjoyed it HAVE AN AMAZING DAY and as my favorite youtuber says:

Your beautiful your one of a kind Smile More- Roman Atwood

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