"Shh," I quickly hushed him as I heard quiet footsteps coming towards the room. "Do you hear that?" I asked.

"Shit," he cursed as he slowly stumbled out of bed. "Your dad's here."

I watched as he ran inside the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Yet he always left a tiny crack open just in case.

There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.


"Come in."

Once he walked in, I saw a foil box in his hand, take out from his own restaurant. Medicine was in his other hand along with a smile on his face.

"How are you feeling?" He asked just as he did every day.

I nodded, as if I didn't have to speak for him to know my manual answer.

He came and sat on the chair besides my bed, setting my food and medicine down on my side table.

"You're about to get your cast off," he started conversation.

I once again nodded.

We stayed silent for a while, and I knew that both of us felt how awkward it was.

Finally, I decided it was the right time to ask about my job. "I found a job," I said.

He looked up, "really?"

I nodded, "it's at a radio station."


"A radio station," I repeated. "It just opened and it's looking for some part time hosts. It pays really well and it seems pretty simple."

He thought about it for a second. "From modeling to radio hosting. Sounds interesting."

I forced myself to smile. I knew he wasn't ready to accept it just yet, so I continued to try and convince him. "I think it'll be fun. And guess what?"


"It's right next door to Caroline's restaurant, so it won't be out of our convenience." I beamed, really hoping he would buy the Caroline card. But I noticed how his face got stone hard. It took me a while to realize that Zayn was also a part of the deal.

"Next to Caroline's, huh?"

Shit, I shouldn't have said that.

I tried to keep my expression calm, pretending not to know what was coming at me.

"Yeah," I said as confidently as possible.

Rage filled his eyes, anger boiling into his emotions. I watched as his face became so hard that it was barely recognizable.

What have I done?

(Zayn's POV)

I stood quietly in the bathroom. Mark's back was facing me and I could see Kat's face clearly.

She had just revealed to her father that she was working close to Caroline.

I couldn't quite see Mark's expressions, but by the worry filling Kat's eyes, I knew something was wrong. He must've remembered that I worked with Caroline.

"You think I'm stupid," he suddenly barked.

I noticed Kat's eyes quickly meeting mine before she diverted her attention back to her father. She swallowed hard, looking as if she were bracing herself.

"You don't think I'm going to let you work next to that boy, do you?"

She bit her lip. I grabbed on to the cabinet behind me, making sure I wouldn't lunge forward towards him.

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