Chapter 1: New Beginning

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Author's Note: So this is chapter 1 of my new fanfic. And this story doesn't really tie in with the show. I just took some stories lines and put them in. For example, I really liked the whole fox and dark spirit thing, so I used that in Brielle and Emilia's backstory. This will also switch between Brielle and Emilia's POV because they both have a purpose that is important the storyline overall. So I hope you enjoy this and please vote and comment if ya like it, thanks!




My stomach was beginning to feel an urge to empty out its breakfast as the car drove over a speed bump. Trust me, this is the last thing I wanted to do before my first day at a new high school. Or should I say, my first day at school. I've never been to school. I was always home schooled. Living on a farm far away from civilization, you can't expect to be able to go to school and be a normal teenager. Then again how can you be a normal ordinary teenager when you're a man-eating werewolf.

"So are you ready for a new beginning?" asked my older sister Emilia from behind the wheel, and no she wasn't a werewolf. It was just me. She was 5 years older than me, therefore she was my legal guardian now. And I loved her more than anything, not only is she my sister, she's my best friend.

"How am I gonna have a new beginning after what happened on the farm?" I mumbled, trying not to think of the growing pains in my stomach.

"Bri, it wasn't your fault. You lost control, not to mention it was your first full moon." She said, not taking her eyes off the road. Go figure, she couldn't even look at me.

"It doesn't matter if I lost control, I killed them." I said.

"Yea, but they were going to kill us first. You saw what happened. The fox, the evil spirit, over took them. They weren't strong enough to fight it off." she said, finally making eye contact with me. "This is a gift, remember that."

"How do I control it though? What if the next full moon, which is Friday by the way, I end up hurting you?" I asked her, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I injured her in any way.

"We'll find a way, nothing is going to happen to me. Now stop your worrying, fix your hair, put some lip gloss on and get in there. Go make friends, fall in love and live the high school life that I never got to live, okay?" Emilia said, now parked in front of the school. She turned to me, fixed my hair and looked out the window. "Oh! Look there's a cute boy, go get 'em tiger." she said, motioning me to get out of the car.

I grabbed my bag from the back seat and jumped out of the car. I took one last look at my sister, waved and decided to take on a new life. Here goes nothing.

I started walking to the front doors, until I tripped over a rock and fell right on my face. Wow, off to a great start. I felt my heart beat faster, I started to lose control of my breathing and before I knew it I had claws. I could feel my teeth growing. I quickly gather my things, stood on my feet, hopefully hiding my hands good enough so no one could see, and began to speed walk into the building.

I was looking at my feet, my blonde hair covering my face. I didn't know if my eyes were the abnormal blue they are when I turn, so I had to hide just in case. I walked faster and faster and then with my luck, I ended up bumping into people.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!"

"Get out of my way, new girl!"

"Watch you're feet, jerk!"

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