Chapter Thirty Nine

Start from the beginning

EmperorAwesome I'm seeing stars. Wait, stars!?!

EmpressAwesome yes. Her first word was stars.

ThornetheAmazing your right Kai, I am seeing stars.

WolftheTomatoLover I'm not.

ScarletBenoitKesley yes. You are not seeing stars.

WolftheTomatoLover I'm seeing 🍅

ScarletBenoitKesley tomatoes.

CressThorne tomatoes.

ThronetheAmazing tomatoes?

WinterHayleBlackburnClay to-ma-toes. Tomatoes.

EmpressAwesome ugh yes guys. He did say tomatoes.

EmperorAwesome tomatoes.

EmpressAwesome your on feeding duty tonight.☺

ThornetheAmazing *turns on music* (Beethoven's 5th Symphony)

One hour later

EmpressAwesome Thorne. Cut the crap please, and save our sanity.

ThornetheAmazing why? This is dramatic.

JacinClay it less dramatic if she hits you upside the head with her metal hand.

EmpressAwesome not a bad idea. Kai, we're having dinner with the Thornes.

CressThorne will you bring Jasmine?

EmpressAwesome yes.

WinterHayleBlackburnClay yes! We're coming to.

JacinClay we are.

WinterHayleBlackburnClay *shoots death glare*

JacinClay ooh, goody.

EmpressAwesome bye guys.

EmperorAwesome bye.

End of Comm Link

Selene threw the port down as she went to make dinner. "Have you ever met the crew Yuri?" Selene asked.

"No," Yuri said.

"Good. You'll meet them tonight," Selene said, grabbing a pan.

Later that night

Selene set the hot pan of food in the middle of the table. Throne was staring at it, until Cress slapped him. He rubbed the back of his head, when Jasmine spit up. "Stars child. Shouldn't she be done spitting up?" Selene asked, looking at Kai.

"She should be," Kai said, giving her a new spit rag from the diaper bag.

"Well, I'll take her to the doctor tomorrow," Selene said.

"Have you thought of her having some sort of sickness?" Cress asked.

"Yeah, but we took her to the doctor a week ago, and nothing was wrong, so we are clueless as to what's wrong," Selene said, sitting down.

"Has she been given all of the shots needed?" Yuri asked. Selene and Kai nodded their heads, as Winter asked.

"Do you think she might have acid reflux?" Selene looked at her confused, but shook her head.

"We already exhausted that idea. We gave her medicine for it a long time ago, bit as you can see, it didn't work," Selene said.

After dinner, the crew sat down in the living room, to watch the newsfeeds. Leo, Maha, and Solstice were on the ground playing with Jasmine, who was tired from being the center of attention. She yawned, as Selene picked her up, and carried her into her room.

After everyone left, Selene needed to do some paperwork in her office, while Kai watched Jasmine. He was happy to do so, and sat her down on the bed to watch football, from the American Republic.

Selene was just about finished, and ready to leave fore the night, before she noticed a pen sitting on the desk. She took the pen, sat down, and started to write. This was something she wished her mother would have done, so Selene wouldn't have had any doubts about how much Channery loved her.

To my dearest Jasmine,
I know you are a princess, but, I want you to remember one thing. No one can change you. You are a beautiful, smart, young girl. I know this, because I am your mother there for, I know you better than anyone, such as yourself.

When I was young, I grew up, without parents, and only two people who loved me. I want you to know that this kingdom loves you, and for that, you should always be grateful. And, your father and I love you as well, more than you would ever know.

The reason I call you my little star, is so you know, that you were born among them. The story is complicated, but with time, you will understand, what took place, before you were born, and the importance of where you were born. I hope I will be the one to explain it to you.

When you read this, I do not know if I will be alive or not. I hope I will be, but in case I'm not, I want you to know one thing. Jasmine, I love you, and no one will ever change that, for you will always be my little star.
          Your loving mother,
                                            - Selene

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