After the Engagement

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Kai and Selene walked a slow walk to the farmhouse after sitting and talking for like an hour about their future together. Kai told her some of his plans for when she got back to the Commonwealth. She would begin preparations for the Annual Peace Ball that would take place in a couple of weeks. That is where they would announce the engagement to the world. She was going to be Empress of the Eastern Commonwealth.

Her full title was going to be Empress Selene Channery Jannali Blackburn-Kaito, Empress of the Eastern Commonwealth, wife of  Emperor Kaito. She was exited and nervous and everything in between. Once again, she was going to be a monarch. But, she wasn't going to be just any monarch, she was going to be a monarch with Kai.

Which she was exited about, for the most part. She just couldn't wait for the newsfeeds that would come pouring in any day. Actually, at any minute. Kai had recorded the engagement for Konn Torin, so, she didn't think it would take long for the media to find out, not that she didn't want the media to find out. She just wished that she and Kai could have their alone time before critics and others find out about the engagement.

She wanted to be a normal person for more than six weeks. But, even in the six weeks she wasn't queen, she really wasn't a normal, everyday, run of the mill citizen. She, was going to be a name in the media as long as she was alive. When you rid the world of a long lasting tyrant, you tend to become a little famous. And just to think, two years ago, she was just a regular cyborg, who was just eager to go into the next day not confronted by an evil queen. Boy, have things changed. Now, she was thankful if she made a day without being confronted by news people. Which was not often. Speaking of news people, someone was right there with a camera, looking at Selene with wide eyes as they watched them enter the farmhouse. There goes the the last of the peace, Selene thought, as they entered the farmhouse,

Wolf looked suspiciously at them. Selene looked at Kai, and he gave her a look saying "I'll tell you later," Selene shrugged, and walked over to where the girls were talking. They were admiring the band on Scarlet's finger. Selene went over the band in her pocket with her finger, and thought about how they would do the same tomorrow. Kai and Selene decided to hold a party tomorrow, with all of their friends. Because it was close to the time the revolution was fought, they were going to make it look like a party celebrating it. Then, Kai would pop the question in front of them. And later, one for the public at the Annual Peace Ball. And, just to celebrate the events that took place two years ago, he would propose on the stairs, where she fell. And that would be three times in all he would propose. Selene was so exited to be engaged to Kai, she didn't care how many times he proposed. And, that was all the more times he professed his love for her. And, all the more times he did that, the better.

Not that she needed reassurance that he loved her, but it was nice to be told that someone cared about her. When she lived with Pearl and Adri, it was nice to hear a simple "Thank You" every now and again. She figured she was just getting greedy. Then again, when something is missing for awhile, and it comes back, it is a little more nice then the first time you heard it. Like the simple words "I love you". Those were always nice words. And words that Thorne was also saying to Emilie as he was probably half drunk.

Cress was laughing her head off, as if her boyfriend telling someone else he loved her was the funniest thing in the world. Yep, today was Cress's first day drinking alcohol. Kai took Thorne, and Selene took Cress, and the couple settled them in for the night, hoping they wouldn't cause to much trouble. Kai and Selene walked back to the farmhouse, hoping they could steal a dance together, considering they were engaged. And there they found Scarlet looking at the ring that must have fallen out of Selene's pocket. Scarlet just passed it, probably thinking it was someone else's.

Selene quickly scooped it up, and put it in Kai's much deeper pocket, concealing the happy news, until they could tell their friends.They were keeping the news a secret so that it would be special for their friends. And also that no stalking reporter would tell anyone about anything. They also wanted to let Scarlet and Wolf have their night together. It was a well deserved night, thinking of all the adversity the couple would face because he is Lunar. The critics are letting the couple have their peace, but, as Selene knew all to well, critics come out of their hole eventually. They hide until all of the non-critics had their fill, and then they come in. Selene was preparing herself for it, because as soon as Kai proposes, she will not stop hearing from Iko about all of the critics who were opposing the idea of a marriage between Kai and Selene.

The people of the Commonwealth had talking about a cyborg being empress, or a mother. Kai had told her that her being a cyborg would never be relevant to relationship. There was always the other side of Kai that said she was a cyborg, and there were precautions to take. So, she always had mixed emotions when it came to having a love affair with Kai. Kai, a human, non - cyborg regular human being. Selene was awkward around this kind of people. People who looked down at her, people who didn't agree with her decisions, especially this one.

Not that Kai didn't however. Ever since they got engaged, he was winking at her and smiling. He was mostly creepy in that way. But, the more Selene looked at him, the more she realized he was intoxicated. She silently laughed to herself, and pulled him into a hug on the couch. He lifted another glass to his lips, and she shoved it down, and led him to the Rampion, after hugging Scarlet and Wolf goodbye. Kai's words were slurred as he told Selene goodnight. What an eventful start to an amazing chapter.

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