Chapter Fourteen

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Gosh, she's just so, just so Selene. From laughing at lame jokes about people in wheelchairs from Thorne, to getting cards and best wishes from future subjects. I really am lucky.

Kai thought to himself as he wheeled Selene silently to their room. He lifted her effortlessly onto the bed, and climbed in next to her. As he drifted off to sleep, he felt Selene's cold hand, grab his warm one. At this action, he quickly woke up.
"Please, don't ever do that again." Kai asked, turning over to face her.

"Sorry, forgot which hand was metal."

"So, what did you wake up, his Majesty, Emperor Kaito of the Eastern Commonwealth for?" Kai asked, lifting his head from the comfort of his pillow.

"Well, I wanted your approval on something."

"What's that?" Kai asked, facing her once again.

"Well, the wedding day. How about May 24?" Selene asked, her voice laced with something, Kai couldn't tell what, because it was three in the morning.

"Its three in the morning, why are we discussing the wedding now?" Kai asked grumpily.

"Because I love you, and I think its the perfect day to chose, for marring the perfect man. It isn't close to any major holiday, and the cherry blossoms will be in season, soi pictures will be beautiful, and its a day we can make our own. Please Kai. This day will be so perfect," Selene said, propping herself on both elbow, her eyes pleading with him. Before he could say anything, Selene accidentally fell the wrong way, toppling over the edge of the bed, as she passed out. Kai leaped off his side if the bed, and ran to pick up Selene, who was unconscious. He picked her up, to take her to the hospital wing.

"Stupid , stupid, stupid," Kai muttered to himself as he waited in a waiting chair watching Selene lay unconscious on a really white hospital bed. Even though the doctor said she was fine, and the only reason she passed out was because of her systems and cyborg whatnot, Kai still felt guilty. He shouldn't have driven her to the point of propping herself up, so she could look him in the eye. He should have know that this soon after the surgery, it would be dangerous to do anything like that. And yet, stupid him, he did it anyway. Always putting himself first. Why did he always have to be the snotty one, while all of his friends got hurt. During the revolution, he was the only one who didn't get hurt, or worse. Well, that's not including Winter, but even she came close to going to an insane asylum for craziness. Which, was where he was headed if the doctor told Kai how long it was going to take for Selene to wake up.

A little while after beating himself up over Selene's fall,his port dinged, signalling the boys wanted a group chat. Whatever, not like I have anything better to do. Kai thought as he logged on.

Start of Group Chat

ThornetheIdiotCadet Was up people.

JacinTheIncredibleGaurd  shut up idiot

ThornetheIdiotCadet yeah, your calling me idiot when you don't have proper capitalization.

KaitheStupidEmperor ugh. Just shut up Thorne. But, he's right Jacin, your capitalization needs work.

ThornetheIdiotCadet so, what made you change your comm name?

KaitheStupidEmperor  I dumped Selene.

ThornetheIdiotCadet&JacinTheAmazingGaurd&WolftheTomatoLover WHAT????????????????????

KaitheStupidEmperor No, not in that way. When we were arguing last night, Selene propped herself up to see me and to argue, she fell backwards off the bed.

WolftheTomatoLover WHAT YOU ARE SO AN IDIOT. I TOLD SCARLET AND SHE'S COMING OVER TO KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ThornetheIdiotCadet *whistles* watch out Kai.

JacinTheAmazingGuard I never thought I'd say this but..... Thorneyounolongerareidiotoftheyear,KaiisbecausehemadeusthinkSelenewasgoingtocomeintotheRampionCrewmeetingasmadasahottomato. *pants*

ThorneIsNoLongerTheIdiotOfTheYear hey guys, Cress is asking if Selene is okay, is she okay?

KaiisIdiotofTheYear yeah,but she is unconscious because of system reboot stuff. She also has a small crack in her head from the fall. Listen, I got to go, Doc McStuffins is here to check on Selene. Bye.

End of Comm Link

The doctor walked in as Kai put his port down. It was still smashed from his wedding day with Levana, but it still worked. The doctor smiled as he noted the smashed screen on the port.

"Your Majesty. Princess Selene is fine other than her spine, but that is normal. She should be waking up any moment," the doctor said, turning his attention to the holograph of Selene. He tinkered with a couple of buttons, when Selene woke up.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she took in her surrounding, of yet another sterile white hospital room. She really had to stop ending up in here.

Selene felt her head, where she felt the throbbing and bandaging was. "Kai," she spoke in a hoarse voice, because of lack if water, "what happened this time? Oh, yeah, can you get a tiny glass of water?" While Kai went to get the glass from the nightstand, he told her the whole story, and she smiled and waved as he left. Just like Kai to drive me over the edge in love, Selene thought as he came back with a glass of water.

Selene looked around the room again. It was truly a beautiful room, but, she was in this room way to much. They say you're in the hospital to much, when you think the rooms are pretty and smell good. Or, that's common sense, one of the two. Selene guessed it was the first one.

Selene tried pushing herself up on the bed, but Kai was there to help her do it. "Kaito, just because I fell does not mean you wait on me hand and foot. That includes servants and staff. Did I make myself clear?" Selene asked, once Kai sat down in a chair. He nodded his head, and he went to go get the wheelchair from his room.

When he came back, he already had the wheelchair open and ready. He again effortlessly took her into his arms, and lowered her into the awaiting chair. She hissed in pain, and tucked into his chest.

Konn Torin came in later, and escorted them to the Global Leaders meeting, held in the regular conference room. But, this time, it felt different to Selene. Maybe it was just her, or it was the sudden feeling something was going to go wrong.

Later, when Selene and Kai were aimlessly wandering the palace halls, Kai had to ask Selene a question.
"So, why did you fall off the bed?" Kai asked, looking into her beautiful brown eyes.

"Because, I wanted you to agree on the wedding day I had picked," Selene said, smirking. Of course, Kai thought as he turned her towards the sun, to notice how much she really outshined it.

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