Chapter Ten

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Kai gawked at the strange girl as the awkward silence continued. Finally, she pulled him into the sitting room where Konn Torin was being held captive. Kai stared at her, and then Konn Torin, then at her again. Konn Torin spoke first in the biggest voice he could muster. "Young lady, unhand us at once." Mystery girl just smiled, calm and cool, despite the pressure building up in the room. 

"Let us start with the introductions," She said, and that, sounded familiar. That soft, cool voice mimicked only one person's. Kai gasped as he recognized Levana's cool glare, but coming from a younger girl. "Who are you?" Kai asked.
"Why should it bother you?" Mystery girl shot back.
"It's just a simple question. Answer it." Konn Torin said, gripping Kai's hand.
"Shut up, you're not in this, the emperor is." Mystery girl said, manipulating Konn Torin to step aside. Kai stood still, not daring to take a breath.
"Now, why must you know who I am."
"You, and your little friends." Konn Torin said under his breath.
"Shut up, will you?" Mystery girl said, losing her temper. Realizing her temper slipping, she quickly composed herself, to continue to glare at the both of them. Kai himself also felt his temper slipping, and he quickly looked at Konn Torin, whose temper was surprisingly in check . "Now, remind me what do you want?" She asked in the sweetest voice possible.
"Oh for stars sake, will you stop denying it. Your gonna kill us." Mystery girl looked taken aback.
"Me, kill you? You're more delirious than I thought. Huh." Now it was Kai's turn to look taken aback. "Me? I'm the delirious one? Funny, I'm not even the one holding people hostage in an old sitting room." Mystery girl smiled as he continued to rant. As he ended the rant, he asked her, "So,I'm asking, no pleading, who are you?"
"Oh, dear emperor, I am the former princess of Luna, Princess Peony Darnell Lihn-Blackburn." Peony stated with sudden emphasis. Kai looked at her shocked,
"Wait, wait, wait. You're saying you're Selene's sister. Yah, you're the delusional one." Kai said, dismissing the claim that Selene's sister was in front of him with a wave of his hand. "Oh, yeah, and Selene's sister Peony, she died of Letumosis two years ago."
"Why be blind to what's in front of you?" Peony spat back, as she was headed out the door. The one man and the guard followed behind. Kai and Konn Torin soon followed suite, heading to the Global leaders meeting. They took a little longer to go over stats and such, just so they didn't look like complete idiots. When they arrived, everyone was glaring at them. Kai and Konn Torin apologized profusely for being late, and took their seats.
"Emperor Kaito. We fully expect you to be on time, for these meetings," Queen Camilla tapped a fake watch on her wrist, "not an hour late." The rest of the room nodded their heads as the meeting continued.  As the meeting went on, Kai couldn't concentrate on the meeting, because Peony was on his mind. Those eyes. That smile. The threats, and then the news that she was Selene's sister. It makes sense, somehow. It is hard to believe, but, then again the fact that Selene was alive was hard to believe, and he gave her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe, he could give Peony the same type of chance. All of the sudden, Kai jumped up from his chair, and went to go get Peony. He had to get Peony, and the story about what happened, and if the story makes sense. What he didn't get, however, was the fact that Peony and whoever was with her, was hiding who she was. She was making it look like she was the bad guy. Why she did that, Kai had no clue. All he knew, was he needed to find Peony, so he could get the story. 

Kai raced down the hall as fast as he could. He didn't have much time before Selene would wake up from surgery, and he promised he would be there when she did. And he also needed to find Peony, so he could find out how in the world she survived the plague . If, she survived. 

Kai stopped to take a breath on a bench in the hall. As he sat down, he heard this soft and beautiful voice flowing from another room. He didn't quite understand the words, but somehow he did. And, whoever was singing, wasn't half bad either. As he neared, however, he found out who it was. Peony was singing in the gardens, and, she looked like she belonged there, too. He watched as she admired flowers, and looked at little birds. And, then she stared straight at him. When she saw him looking at her, she ran with grace, and speed. It didn't take long for her to lose Kai near the pond, where he and Selene shared many walks. And speaking of Selene, he got a comm saying something was wrong with Selene, and he needed to be there right away. For one last time, he called out to Peony, "If you really are Selene's sister, you'll come with me. Shes in surgery, and in critical condition." At his words, Peony emerged from the shadows, "Lets go," was all she said before she ran. 

When Kai and Peony reached the Palace, Konn Torin explained to them that that was a false alarm, and Selene was just fine. Kai and Peony sat down by the door, as doctors and nurses left the wing, eager to get out of the stuffy surgical room. Peony finally took a deep breath, and asked, "Do you want to know the story, or not?"

"I only chased you into the forest, only to come back because of Selene," was Kai's reply. Peony took that as a yes, and she started, 

"When Selene was born, the Kingdom of Luna celebrated. There was a new princess who would take over for her mother, when the time was right. Well, Channery heard these things, and she knew her daughter would grow up living the high life. Which, was what she wanted. She also, wanted another daughter. So, she took Selene's father, and had another child, me. She hid the fact she knew who the father was, even from her own sister. Well, that father was concerned for his daughters, that when Channery died from childbirth, Levana would do something to harm his girls. So, he pleaded with the court so he could take them to earth, and they said no. Well, eventually, he did, but only me, and assumes the name Lihn Garan, when he married a single mother, Adri. Two years later, Levana starts the fire, and Selene is lost forever, or so everyone thinks. Michelle finds out about who Garan really is, and, when the child is okay, sends her to be with her real family. Well, people start latching on to the fact that there was an eleven year old cyborg  living next door. Rumors started going around, and eventually, Garan, for fear of endangering his family further, fakes that he has the plague, and he hightails to Africa. Peony intercepts a comm sent to Dr.Logan Tanner, and she hears the whole conversation about Selene being a princess, and coming to live with the Lihns. When Garan contacts her later on, knowing she knew about Selene, he tells her about her past. Later on, he tells her more, and that she has to meet him in Africa because people were getting to know more and more about what happened to Princess Selene. She goes to Africa, and gets her best friend to play as her, until she can contact Selene and tell her everything. Well, time runs out, because her friend dies of the plague. Soon after that, Selene and the crew land in Africa, only to be chased out once again, as Peony's uncle, Dimitri Erland, dies. Then, when the town they are in is attacked, they lose contact with the rest of the world. And that brings us to now," Peony said, gesturing to nowhere in particular. 

"So, why did you kidnap us , in the sitting room?" Kai asked, feeling uncomfortable in the awkward silence. 

"Because,  wanted to know your true intentions with my sister. She isn't exactly the greatest catch in the world." Peony said, smiling. All of the sudden, the doctor came in, and stopped at the doorway.

"The Princess should be awake any moment, Your Majesty. you may go see her." Kai stopped Peony when she tried to follow him.

"We don't want to give her a heart attack, we want to give her a surprise." 

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