Before the Engagement

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Kai was looking into the glass case that held his mother's engagement ring. It was a priceless ring, that could be sold for clearly more than 5 billion unvis. Not that he ever would, but it was nice to think about. He kinda wished he could get Selene her own wedding and engagement ring, but tradition was that the empress to be had to wear the same engagement ring as the one before her, not that some tradition ever stopped him before. They said it wasn't traditional for royalty to fall in love, especially with a cyborg, but look where he was.

Only half a century ago did they last change the ring. Other than that, there have only been 2 engagement rings passed down. Maybe after the wedding, he could get Selene another engagement ring, to match the rings. That is only if she said yes. That was the part he was most afraid of. What would happen if she said no, again? He would be heartbroken. That was why this time he was going to actually propose, so maybe she would see how much he loved her. Sure they would have the proper engagement ceremony after the happy couple got home, but he would do a traditional proposal for her. And, in Kai's eyes, that is what she deserved. Not something traditional that emperors before him had done, but something that showed her how much he truly loved her. And he did, with all his heart. 

He learned from an early age, that royals only got married so that they would have an heir. But, that was not going to be the case with their relationship. He would also give her all the power she wanted. Most empresses only held the title Empress Consort. Those with that title, like his mother, had little to no political power. Kai wished to make Selene empress. Like with Levana, he would be signing over half of his throne, and she would have as much political power as him. He hoped she would like that. He was guessing she would, because, over the past two years, he realized how good of a ruler she really could be. 

Unlike the last wedding, he was excited. That is, if she said yes. He would be thoroughly shocked if her did. He was half expecting her to say no, because of him being emperor . Kai's thoughts turned to his mother, who loved his father, but he never loved her in return. Kai replayed in his mind, the video of his mom excepting the engagement ring. She was so happy. That moment alone brought tears to his eyes. He missed his mother terribly. He often remembered the morning Kai and his dad brought the sad news to the nation. Kai's mother had the plague. The world was devastated. Even though his father did not love his mother, the rest of the world did. She did many things to promote the welfare of her people, especially lower class citizens like cyborgs. She was visited by many while she was sick via D-comm links. These people who wanted to make her fell better, did. And then, when they thought things would get better, they got worse. The day before his parent's anniversary, his mom died. It was the hardest thing Kai ever had to go through. Having been a prince, Kai was kinda used to getting what he wanted. This, was definitely, NOT, what he wanted.  

It was then and there that he decided to start smelling the roses, because the time was fast approaching where he would have to start learning how to be an emperor. Even though he had eight years to learn, plus the actual two years of being an emperor, he still didn't quite get some things. He had a lot of learning to do, but the revolution also taught him a lot. And Selene. She also taught him a lot. He was so very lucky to be raised in a palace, and was familiar with the political atmosphere. While on the other hand, she had to learn everything. She was so amazing. 

Kai was so happy when she announced that she was abdicating the throne, and moving to the Commonwealth as a ambassador, like Winter and Jacin. Well, what she didn't know, was that she was going to the Commonwealth as not only an ambassador, but a future Empress as well. 

Konn Torin walked in, and interrupted Kai's thoughts. "Your Majesty, are we ready to depart to France?" Konn Torin looked at the ring in Kai's hands. "Are you going to ask Lihn Da'ren to marry you?" Kai nodded his head, and Konn Torin quickly left, giving Kai his peace. Everyone in the palace knew what a touchy subject his mother's death was, and still is. So, when Kai was done, he put he ring in his pocket, and left the palace. Later, in the podship, Kai asked that Konn Torin stay in the Commonwealth, so Selene or anyone else didn't get suspicious. Konn Torin agreed, and wished Kai good luck. He would need it.

When he go to Scarlet and Wolf's, straightaway he asked where the most romantic place on the farm was. So, Wolf showed him all of the most romantic places, but none of them would do. He wanted only the best for Selene. She deserved much more than some crummy field for her engagement. 

At last, Wolf showed Kai where he could propose. It was a small creek, dividing the Kesley land with the neighbor's. It was the most beautiful little creek he had ever seen, and it was the perfect place, for the one he loves. He made sure everything was ready, for when he proposed. Because he would be doing the wedding ceremony for Wolf and Scarlet, he wouldn't have time to set thing up, another reason he arrived early. He really wasn't worried an bout the ceremony, he just had to make sure he didn't pull out the wrong ring. 

I Love You to the Moon and Back (A Kaider Fan-Fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant