I think the reason why people avoid her is because of the rumours that she befriended the demonic perfect Hibari Kyona, today is the day that I will ask her to be my friend and I hope that she will not be like the others.

Normal (P.O.V)

'I wonder why yamamoto-kun wants me to come to the rooftop, well it maybe a chance for me to befriend him and also confront him about the reason why he is always faking his smile' tsuna thought while she was going to the rooftop then she looked next to her to see the students are giving her weird looks she really don't know why.

Well the reason why the students are giving her weird looks because while she was deep in thought she didn't notice that her own expressions changed from a calm to a wondering look then a cheerful one and lastly frowning before she returned to the calm expression.

In the Rooftop

"Ahh.. yamamoto-kun I am sorry if I am late" tsuna apologized as she entered through the door of the roof "haha~ no it is okay don't apologize Sawada, it is me who should apologize for calling you so suddenly" Takeshi said as he scratched the back of his neck

"No, it is okay I don't mind I was also going to the roof so it is fine" tsuna said with a smile, a smile that made Takeshi to stare at her while thinking that she will hopefully become his friend " well the reason that I called you here is because I want to ask you something"

"Really! I also wanted to ask you some thing, you can ask me any question" tsuna cheered "Uhh.... hahah~ I really don't know how to say it but Sawada can you become my friend!?" Takeshi started being nervous then questioned her with a very hopefull expression.

"Eh?..... I also wanted to ask you the same question really that's funny, as for your question I want to be your friend too " tsuna said with a very cheerfull look and smiled very warmly to him "Really?  So, does it now makes us friends?" He asked "Yes, but there is another thing that I want to tell you, now that we both became friends, then you will have to always act like you always do without faking your emotions! I will not judge you nor i became your friend because popularity, keep that in mind!" 

Tsuna said with a serious tone which turned into a smile, Takeshi was very shocked, he never thought that she would know about that.....he chuckled no wonder she always gives him those glances.

"Yamamoto?" Tsuna looked at him with confusion.

Takeshi felt tears started fall from his eyes.....there is actually someone who cares.

" E-eh? Y-yamamoto? Are you okay? Did I say something wrong!?" Tsuna asked with panic coating over her face " no...i am just happy!" Takeshi grinned at her.

"Phew! I thought that I did something wrong!" She let out a relived sigh.

"Haha~ thank you tsuna!,  ah! Can I call you that"

" yup, you can! then! can I call you Takeshi?" her answer was a nod and a smiley face


" by the way! I want you to meet kyo-chan!" just as tsuna called kyona's name she jumped from the top of the rooftop which startled Takeshi, there in front of him is Hibari Kyona, the demonic perfect

"Eh....Ehhhhh? You mean by kyo-chan as Hibari-senpai" tsuna laughed at his shocked face while kyona smirked "yes, she is and since she is my friend so both of you are also going to be friends"

"hn, he is a herbivore"

"Eh? Is that so? Then what about me kyo-chan?"

"Baby carnivore"

"Yay~ I am a baby carnivore" Tsuna smiled as she jumped in her place

"haha~ this is going to be fun" Takeshi was sooo confused he thought that he is an omnivore! It turns out that he is a herbivore!

Tsuna giggled easily reading Takeshi's confusion.

"Take-kun welcome to our humble group!" tsuna smiled as kyona smirked.



In the weeks that Takeshi spended his time with the two girls he never regreted his decision, he also started to train under his father and sometimes nana.

After he learned about the mafia he came to love the arts of the sword so his father started to teach him the  'shigure soen ryuu' he then came to discover that he has rain flames.

The three of them became best friends even kyona came to acknowledge him as a friend. Which Takeshi is very happy with.


So good or bad?

Sorry about the late update I nearly forgot about my stories but now I will update more frequently I will also update Another World in this week.


There is no school and I have summer vacation. ☺☺
I am really happy. Hope to all who has summer vacation be happy!


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