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*AJ's pov*

"Tori get up!" I whispered loudly shaking her "hmm Junior fuck off!" Tori moaned pulling the covers higher. "I'll go without you." I waned yanking the bed covers from her grip. "now get up." I said. Today will be the first time Tori and I meet our father, well mine anyway. Tori had him in her life for 5 years I've never had him in mine. "fine I'm getting up now." Tori got out of bed and I left her room so she could dress. I poked my head round mums door she was fast asleep I smiled gently at the sight and left her to sleep.

"Ready?" I questioned while Tori threw lots of bits and bobs in her bag. "yeah, I need to find my car keys though." she replied picking up multiple papers up and looking underneath them for her keys. "Here T I have them." I say picking up her keys from the coffee table. "you're a star AJ!" she beamed happily. "now let's go find our daddy." Tori grinned

We parked up near Nando's, for some reason our father wanted to meet here, I'm not complaining I love the extra hot chicken they make here. Tori loves it too but she prefers the medium spices best. "Tori, do you feel nervous?" I questioned feeling nervous myself. "yeah, I'm scared. he's our father, he obviously wants to meet us or he wouldn't say." Tori shrugged.

"Tori.." I started. "yeah?" Tori turned to face me. "Is that...never mind." I say as an Audi R8Drives into the car park. "T..." my nerves start bubbling inside me, I'm so glad I'm not meeting him alone. "yes AJ..." Tori says, it's obvious that she's annoyed that I keep starting convocations and then backing out of them. this time though I really am going to say something. "I think...I think he's here."

*Tori's pov*

AJ was right he really was here. looking over towards the car park I could see a smart but casually dressed mixed race male walking towards us. my legs feel weak, my heart is racing and now it's even more obvious how nervous AJ is too. he's subconsciously holding my hand and tightly too. "AJ." I quickly say. "Hm?" he replies, his eyes still on the man who is getting closer and closer by the second. "you're hurting my hand. It's going to be ok. please let go of my hand." I say but it doesn't get though. "Junior." I say my voice raised a little, it startles him and he lets my hand go. "sorry." he says sheepishly "it's ok." I reassure.

*Aston's pov*

Walking from the car park towards the Nando's entrance I see two people stood waiting outside Nando's, that must be them. my two children, the two people who I have done nothing for while they were growing up. Seriously, Julia wouldn't allow me to pay anything for them eg their uniforms, ok so I helped with Tori's first uniform because we were still together then but I never bought AJ anything and once Julia and I split Tori never did either.

Before I knew it I was face to face with them both. "hiya." I smiled and hugged Tori "hi." she hugged me back, I then man hugged AJ. "hey... um, dad." he smiled softly. "I can't believe I'm actually seeing you both. I thought you'd hate me for not being there for you both." I stated. "we don't hate you." AJ frowned. I can really see me in him now, Julia was right he's a mirror image of me. "Shall we go in?" I suggested. "yeah come on then." Tori smiled. shed really grown up since she was five. we were soon seated, Tori and AJ began to tell me things about themselves. I was listening but my mind began to wander.


Tori ran around the room laughing, she was amused because we'd just pulled a prank on Julia. "right you two!" Julia came into the lounge trying to be serious although she was failing miserably. "sorry mummy...it was daddy." Tori giggled innocently. "hmm yes. But you helped didn't you?" Julia was now smiling, Tori nodded. Tori and I put a joke ice cube with a pice of chopped of finger into Julia's coke and then we laughed when she broke the glass in shock. Julia tickled Tori continuously causing Tori to go bright red in the face laughing cheekily. Tori ran off once Julia had stopped tickling her. I hovered over Julia smiling. "You, Aston smellygold are mean." Julia stated pouting "awh baby, I don't smell." I say nuzzling her neck getting all the sensitive spots. "Aston.." she moaned pushing against me. "hm?" I ask. "No." she says, we jump up as an ear-piercing scream fills the house. "Tori!" we both shout worriedly and dart out the room to see our four year old daughter crying with a cut on her leg. she'd tripped over "mummy, daddy!" She sobbed cuddling us both as we hugged all together. Everything was perfect, we were perfect.

*end flashback*

"What do you do then dad?" Tori asked. "um well I am a judge on a talent show called Got To Dance." I say smiling "see T, told you. believe me now?" AJ teased, like I would "oh shush midge." Tori rolled her eyes at AJ. "What do you do now then? I'm guessing you're not both at school." I play with the straw in my coke. "Hm I'm still in school but T works in the best beauty salon in Gloucester." AJ shrugged "how's school, is there a special lady yet?" I asked all in one go. "its ok I guess and yeah I've just entered a relationship...were taking it slow. I'm a changed man now." AJ blushed a little and looked at Tori who smiled at him. I looked confused. "a changed man?" I questioned. "um I um..i kinda used to have sex with loads of different girls. mum found out and well basically to cut the story short... I promised mum I'd make her proud and so I'm with this girl now that I like we've been together a month." frowned at himself. "son..it's ok you know I was exactly the same. then I met your mum." I stated trying to make AJ feel better about the situation. "What about you baby girl, any special someone?" "yeah, he's lovely we've been together about 5 months officially." I smiled happily, I really had missed so much.

We had something to eat then all left, I just hope they both will keep in touch and that we can meet up... maybe I'll be able to get my Julia back and we will be a family again.

AJ and Tori met Aston, keep reading voting, commenting and fanning. dramas on it's way xxx Julia

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