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* valentines day *

*Tori's pov*

My boyfriend bought me a set of earrings and necklace set with a massive card, he's the cutest. mum knows about my boyfriend now but not who he is, she caught me kissing him out side the house when she got home from work. In fact we've arranged a meet the parents meal for this week so mum can meet my boy and his parents. We're going out for a meal later, just the two of us out of town somewhere.

When I got downstairs I could see mum at the door and some guy from parcel force in front of her holding a package. Awh mum must have a valentine! maybe it's dad! that would be so romantic if he was to sweep mum off her feet and they fall deeply in love. Mum soon came in holding her parcel it wasn't massive or real small. "oo get you." I winked "yeah, I'll open it later." mum shrugged "no open it now, surely you want to know what it is in there." I demanded "yeah I suppose." mum half laughed. "You should open it mum." AJ said looking at the parcel as he came over to the kitchen table to have his breakfast. Mum began to open up the parcel, inside there was a box of chocolates and a £100 voucher for the best spa in Gloucester. "wow mum..." I said shocked "any ideas who it is?" AJ questioned "I don't know." mum replied picking up a card that had also come with the spa voucher.

*Julia's pov*

Once I'd read the card it suddenly came to me who had brought me the spa voucher and chocolates. when I used to go to school (when I could be bothered), a lad in my year, Christian Lomax always used to want to take me on dates, I mean he was and still is sexy, he asked about Tori, when I had her...he was even a backing dancer for JLS! I wasn't about to tell my children that though, after all it could be someone else. "Nope I don't know guys." I say looking at both Tori and AJ. "Awh I love it mum it's like the most cutest thing a man could do." Tori smiled widely. she's always liked the thought of true love and men sweeping women off their feet and being loving. it wouldn't surprise me if she thought the valentines day gifts were from her father.

Whilst we were eating breakfast I scrolled through my contacts sending each person a message, I've always done that since I split up with Aston. I never included Aston in this message as I don't want him getting the wrong idea. I typed.

Happy valentines day! Jxx

And sent it, a few minutes later I got a reply from someone asking if we could meet tonight...of course I replied with yes. after all Tori is going out for dinner and AJ is taking his new girlfriend to the movies.

"Heya babe!" Christian greeted me with a big hug when I walked to the table we were on in the Italian restaurant. "hey hun." I smiled returning the hug. "did you get my present this morning?" Christian bit his lip, yep he's certainly still hot! "I did, my two asked lots of questions. you didn't have to do that for me the chocolate would have been fine." I smiled at him. "fine is not great, great is what I want for my...you." awh he's so sweet, he's blushing. "you're so sweet chris." I smiled letting out a Little giggle. "J, babe I have loved you for so long now..." Christian started taking my hands in his. "please would you make me the happiest man ever and be my girlfriend?" looking each other in the eyes there was a short comfortable silence before I gently gave my head a nod. "I'd love to be your girl." I grinned, Christian smiled widely before kissing my hand across the table. "I will protect you and your children with all my heart." he smiled softly. This is the best thing I've done in months.


Julia is Christian's girlfriend! what's going to happen when Aston finds out?! oooo feedback please xxx Julia

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