It was like my words had the effects of a hot poker prodding his skin because he flinched and that was enough to snap me out of my tutoring mode. Ashamed, I hanged my head down as the awkward silence enveloped us and brought us into our own worlds.

"I'm sorry. It wasn't fair of me to keep bringing it up when I know you're hurting over this too." I said softly as I reached my hand out for his but before my hands could reach his, he pulled away. It felt like I was doused with ice cold water but I know there wasn't a reason for me to be upset when he pulled away since I was to be blamed for this. "I mean it, I'm sorry. Really, really sorry. I just, I – I just want everything to be perfect even when I'm gone. You could say I want to leave a mark as selfish as that sound but I do. In a good way and maybe I'm starting to realize I can't, which is why I'm taking it out on you. And for that I'm so sorry."

And it was like my words had burnt him again because once again, he flinched. But before I could apologise for something mean that I've accidentally slipped out, he clasped my hands tightly in his and tilted my chin up with his index finger until our eyes met. "You're crazy if you think you haven't already left a mark. I don't know about this town but the second I met you, I was so caught up in your hair that's not quite brown and not quite black and your hooded eyes. The way you speak with an almost short tongue because of the braces you wore when you were younger. The way you try to slow down on solving an equation so I feel better about myself. The way you calculate the distance between each cutlery when you set the table. The way you played floorball. The way your lips mouthed the words you read and sometimes, you read it aloud without realising it. The way you love my little sister and the way you played with my wolf even when you didn't know it was me. So yes, you should be sorry but not for taking it out on me, for thinking you haven't already left a mark when you've already burned a hole through me."

Halfway through his speech, he had pulled me over towards him as he placed my hand over his beating heart while he cupped my face with his hands, making sure that I look into the forestry green eyes as he poured his feelings out to me. It wasn't like I ever doubted his feelings for me after that extraordinary and romantic way he asked me out but I was definitely left speechless right now with my jaw on the ground. Because I could never imagine anybody other than my parents, taking the time to notice the little things I do. And even they don't notice such trivial things about me.

Before I know it, we were leaning in towards each other and it was like we were like poles because just like always, before one of us could change our molarity to attract the other, we were repelled when the door to his room slammed open.

"What are you laughing about? This isn't funny – "

"I wasn't laughing at you. I just thought of something that happened when I was in Australia. Come on, let's finish this up, I have to be at another student's house in an hour." I interrupted her and started writing the solution to the question before she could give me an essay on why this situation wasn't funny. Because even though Naomi wasn't much of a Science student, she was extremely good in English, more specifically her essays.

"I was going to ask you about that. What happened there? You're practically glowing."


I stood in front of the apartment and rang the doorbell as I waited impatiently for Zack to open the door so we can finish the session earlier. Not that I didn't like teaching him because he has improved so much and was even my top student now. But sometimes I couldn't understand why he insisted on continuing the sessions even though we both knew he didn't need them anymore.

Taking my earpiece out of my ear, I tucked it into my bag haphazardly when my phone rang. Samuel's name was displayed in front of his face that he had sneakily took and set as my phone's lock screen when I wasn't looking. But since it was such an adorable shot, I didn't see a need in changing it.

Emily and Samuel ✔️Where stories live. Discover now