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After cleaning the showers, I decide to investigate and try to find where Scarlet is. I enter the elevator and go down to the floors below the slave quarters. That's where all the female "guests" get to stay.

"Is Scarlet Summers staying in this room?" I ask the guards at the first door that I come to.

"Yes, but who are you?" One of the guards asks.

"I'm Harry Styles, Scarlet's boyfriend." I say.

"No, you are Harry, The Great Queen's new slave. You can't be Scarlet's boyfriend. The Great Queen has forced her to become a lesbian." The guards say.

I wanted to explain that you are born a lesbian, and you can't just convert to being one, but I would rather not make this guy angry.

"Please, just let me see her. I won't even touch her if it's against the rules." I say.

"Fine. You only have five minutes, and no touching." The guards say, opening the big doors.

I enter the room and the guards close the door behind me. Scarlet is laying in a king sized bed, adorned with silky sheets and a red comforter. Scarlet's messy curls were seen as she sobbed into a throw pillow.

"Scarlet?" I ask.

"Harry?" Scarlet sobs, removing the throw pillow from her face.


Ella and I step out of the taxi.

"Aren't you going to pay me?" The taxi driver asks.

I glance at his name tag. Bob.

"No, but I'm going to kill if you utter another word about us paying for the ride." I say, reaching into my clasp.

Then, I remember that I did not bring my purse with the gun in it. I shrug my worries off. I can transform into creature form and attack with my claws and other powers.

"Yes, ma'am. Have a great night!" The taxi driver says, driving away.

Ella and I walk to the front of the long line of people wanting to enter the night club.


there's gonna be so much happening in the next chapter.

definitely a huge breakthrough with #haria.

that's harry and arias ship name!

thanks for 1.28k reads!

since I already had 1.3 reads before I even updated this chapter,i will be double updating today.

I won't be on Wattpad during the week to update my stories due to school,but if you guys do really well with the reads and votes then there will be tons up updating to do next weekend.

also,check out my other story shady.

I originally had it on hold but I finally found some time to update it,so chapter six(Roman numeral version in story) will be updated today. maybe even chapter seven will be updated tomorrow if I manage to find some time.

--lo xx

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