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The woman opens the man's filthy cage and yanks him out. Then, he is blindfolded and handcuffed.

"I still have to keep checking the bloody cages." The woman muttered to herself.

What is this?

The woman peers into my cage and gasps.

"Harry! Oh my bloody God, why are you here? What happened to you? Do you even recognize me?" The woman asks.

"I don't know who you are." I say, peering into the woman's dark brown eyes.

"Of course you don't." The woman cries.

"Whatever. I have orders from Ari to prepare you for slavery." The woman says, wiping her few tears.

third person

Aria took a sip from her wine and grabbed her paperwork. She should probably get started on some of her work. Another kingdom was declaring war on Queen Aria's domain, and trying to make peace was giving her an awful headache.

After Aria finished most of her work, two men were brought to the throne room. She tossed her paperwork to the side, eager to get rid of it. Her two male servants placed her crown on top of her head. Aria ran her fingers through her incredibly long, dark hair as the female and the two males bowed low.

"Ari, this young man, Louis Tomlinson, disrespected you badly by saying your name wrong and not saying what you have ordered the men to say when they say your name." The dirty servant said.

"Have someone prepare him for execution in Experimentation A." Aria said.


I can't believe I've completely abandoned this servant. She's filthy, and her wings have not turned black yet. Tears are welling up in my eyes. No woman deserves to be treated like that.

"Servant, go prepare Experiment #50 for execution." I bark, kicking one of my male servants.

"My name is Liam." The servant says.

"Do you think I care? You're worthless to me. Now go before I put you in the dungeons." I say, trying not to lose my temper.

"Yes, Lady Aria." The servant says, bowing low.

The servant takes Experiment #50 from the room. Harry Styles, that swine that I kidnapped at Lake Erie is pushed forward.

"Lady, he's woken up." The female servant says.

I stand from my throne and every person in my throne room bows low again.

"Follow me." I say, grabbing my royal purple robes.

I know that the rest of my palace is very cold, but the cold doesn't affect me. I just feel like wearing my robes today. I walk across the marble floor, my heels making loud noises that echo in this humongous throne room.

Two of my servants open the great doors for me and I lead the group to one of my large elevators. The doors are pure gold, and the buttons have diamonds encrusted on them. I press the gem-covered button that has an arrow pointing upwards on it.

All of my slave outfits are on the top floor of all of my palaces. The pure gold elevator doors open, and I lead my group into the spacious elevator. There are cathedral ceilings in the elevator, and the walls are made of glass. We all look at the beautiful ocean as fish circle my palace.

When we get to the top floor, the doors open again and I push Styles into the room. Many standard orange jumpsuits are stacked upon many shelves for my slaves.

I follow my new slave and pick an orange jumpsuit from a shelf. I throw the jumpsuit at Styles.

"What is this for? I'm not a prisoner." My new slave says.


hey hope yall liked this chapter
the first chapters will be kind of fillers and the occasional thriller. the real action starts happening after the first 10 chapters.

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