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Tears roll down my face mixing with the blood on my cheeks. That monster slapped me! And it bloody hurt. I don't even know where I'm running to. I just ran out of the room after the beast completely tore up the left side of my face. I personally don't think I deserve to be this thing's slave.

It's not fair. Plus, I have a family to go back to. Also, Aria killed all of my friends. I don't even know if Kylie and Scarlet are okay. I'm ripped away from my thoughts when I run into a wall.

"Fudge!" I screeched at the pain from running into the wall.

Then, I notice that the wall is tiled, like in a shower. I dismiss it and jog at a steady pace? Where am I? I can hear yelling that echoes off of the shower walls, and water running. Suddenly, my foot slips and I land on the hard, tile floor. I hear a particular voice that sounds like one of a man.

"Bye, Niall. See you at dinner if we don't have any duties together." The voice says.

A man wearing an orange jumpsuit like the one that the evil goddess gave me runs past me. When he notices me, he turns around and jogs to me.

"Hey, dude. Looks like you took a pretty nasty fall there. Need me to help you up?" The man asks.

I nod and the man helps me stand up.

"Who are you? I've never seen you around here." The man says.

"I'm Harry. Uh, I'm kind of new here." I say.

"Oh, I'm Zayn." He introduces himself.

"I literally just became a slave, so what do I do?" I ask.

"You should probably shower and change into your uniform. Beloved Goddess of the Atlantic, the Ultimate Queen, an unworthy man like me who is even attempting your name would like to address you.

Please forgive me, and know that if I ever call you by your first name, Lady of the Waters, you have every right to execute me in the most painful way possible. Sorry, that's what we have to say whenever we mention the Great Queen. Anyway, She will give you her schedule when you go to the throne room after you shower and change." Zayn says.

"Thanks. I'll remember it." I say.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Harry. By the way, if you want to get that gash on your cheek cleaned and bandaged, go find Niall. He's the only blonde boy in the shower room at the moment so he will be easy to find. I'm on kitchen duty so I have to leave but good luck." Zayn says.

Zayn and I fist bump. We jog off in different directions and I enter the shower room. There are boys everywhere, some naked, some wearing towels around their waists, some wearing orange jumpsuits. They are all laughing and talking, or getting dressed. There are tons of blue lockers in the small space.

I slip past all of the boys and find a locker that doesn't have a boy near it. I hit the locker and it just pops open. Great. I put my orange jumpsuit in the locker and shut it. Then, I notice a bin near the showers where all the boys seem to be grabbing towels from. I grab a towel from the bin and find a vacant shower.

I undress and hang my towel and my clothes on a hook on the tiled wall. Then, I turn the shower on and adjust the water to a good temperature.


I dry myself off and wrap the towel around my waist. I exit the shower and go to my locker. I open it again and slip into my orange jumpsuit. Then, I put my clothes that I had been wearing since last night. That night when I was kissing Scarlet before the disaster happened feels like years ago. Yet it's only been a day.

I exit the shower room and go back to the room that has many shelves with orange jumpsuits. I walk up to the elevator, planning to go to the throne room when two male guards stop me.

"Are you a new slave?" One of the guards asks.

"Yeah. I have to meet the Great Queen to get my schedule." I reply timidly.

r e m a k i n g

reminder-pls dont read beyond this point. I'm changing this story from my other story,so if you read ahead before I update you will be very confused.

update from me after this story is finished , this story is completely rewritten so go ahead and read past this point. you can finish the book and read alive after this


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