Chapter 16

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"And now we have the grand finale", she shoved her hand through my body I felt her touching my heart.

"Rebekah, you're getting ahead of yourself!" Mikael warned.

"I've sent our lovely message to Niklaus, I'm expecting him anytime about now! Oh hello my son, thank you for joining us!"

"Don't you dare touch her, or I swear I'll kill you!"

Rebekah shoved her blood down my throat to heal my wounds.

"Niklaus please sit!"

"No Nik run, please."

"I am not leaving you."

"Niklaus, sit down and hold still and I will release her." He sat down as vervain dipped ropes where tied around him.

"Nooo!!" "Mikael laughed as Klaus sat down.

"You really thought I would release her, Niklaus, you really are foolish. Here's what's going to happen, first I will hurt her, then I will kill her and you will watch and then I'll kill you!"

Klaus shouted at tried to get free while Mikael and Rebekah laughed. Rebekah bit me once again and slapped me across the face, then she plunged a knife into me. I screamed in pain and Klaus begged Rebekah to stop. She simply laughed.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door and they both left to answer it.

"I am so sorry Kassie, I love you."

"I love you too." I cried.

"I am so sorry, if we make it out of here I would love to marry you."

He tried to reach my arm and we held hands.

Boom! I heard a loud noise and my father came running in carry Vervain grendades.

"Kass, quick we must go."

"I'm not leaving him!"

"We dont have time". He untied him but then Mikael and Rebekah appeared.

"Get away from my daughter, you bitch!"

Dad launched another vervain grendade but it missed her and she lunged at my dad and grabbed him. She smiled at me and cut his neck.

"Nooooo!!" I screamed.

He coughed and spluttered but then pointed at his ring. I had forgotten all about his ring, which protected him from supernatural beings. Rebekah raised another dagger and started to tease me about Klaus.

"He doesnt love you."

"Don't listen to her!" Klaus shouted. I noticed my father crawling along the floor towards Elijah as he pulled the dagger out of him...

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