Chapter 15

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"My dear Kassie, I have loved you since the day I met you, in this life and the last. I cannot live without you and I hope I never will. Would you do me the honour of making me the happiest man in the world. Kassia Grace Saltzman will you be my wife?"

I stared at him in shock. "Nick, I would love too!" I cried into his arms as he placed the ring onto my finger. It was a beautiful gold ring encrusted with a small diamond. "Oh Nik, its beautiful!"

We went home and he caressed my face. "I love you!" He laid beside me. I straddled his hair and I fell asleep in his arms.

I had decided to move in with Nik and I was asleep in his room when I heard raised voices. Damon was here shouting at Nik, I could see Niks anger building up inside. Nik had beem quiet ever since the proposal, I think he was dying to drink.When we had come home Elijah and Rebekah had already fled. I couldn't believe that they were prepared to murder their own brother!

"Damon go away!"

"Oh so he hasnt killed you yet then...impressive! Oh Jesus...tell me that is not a ring on your finger..ARE YOU INSANE..he is a monster, he makes us look like fairies compared to him! To be with him you really must be an idiot!"

"Don't you dare talk to her like that!" Nik ran over to him and strangled him, then he threw him onto the floor.

"See" Damon said "He's a monster!"

I ran off crying, Nik followed me.

"You promised you wouldnt hurt anyone! It's over!" I threw my engangement at him and ran home.

Dad welcomed me with open arms. He didnt pester me about it, he knew that when I was ready I'd talk about it. This is what I loved about him.

I decided to go for a walk to clear my head.

"Hello, we meet again, only now you're more 'stable' than last time! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Mikael!"

I tried to run but he grabbed me bit his wrist. He shoved his wrist to my mouth as I felt his blood seep down my throat.

"Try anything and I will break your neck, and you will be a vampire forever!" I stood rooted to my spot. He stared into my eyes

"Follow me and you will obey every order I tell you, if you disagree I will make you stab yourself, understood".

"Understood." I tried not to move but my legs walked after him. Soon we arrived at a deralict house. I followed him up the stairs and he tied me to a chair. He then took a bite out of my neck, it stung as he sucked my blood.

" necklace!"

"Oh please, I eat vervain everyday, it does not affect me child."

"You are foolish to love Niklaus, you have already wasted a lifetime on him! Rebekah, Elijah come here my children. He handed Elijah a camera.

"Rebekah, I found you a plaything, but make sure she doesnt die, we need her as bait...for now!"

"But father, I thought we werent going to harm her!"

"Oh Elijah, you did always like her didn't you. I do notice, when the werewolves caught her you where distraught! But then again you were always jealous of Niklaus werent you! So make him pay, Elijah, show him you are better than him, hit him where it hurts!"

He pointed at me and Elijah gulped, I could see pity in his eyes. He handed Elijah a dagger, he came towards me and raised it, I closed my eyes but he stook it in the arm rest instead.

"I cant father, she's done nothing wrong,Im sorry, please let her go!"

Mikael laughed and then shoved the dagger into Elijahs heart, I gasped as he collapsed to the floor and his skin began to turn grey. I snivelled.

"Oh dont worry, he's only asleep, he's not dead yet." He started to film me on the camera.

"Tell me how scared you are Kassia, where is you Klaus now!" Rebekah shoved the dagger in my arm. I screamed in pain, then she bit me and I held back the tears.

Somewhere (Klaus Mikaelson, Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now