Chapter 12

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Stefan had told me that Mikael was dead. He was my enemy, he sought to destroy me ever since I was little. "Stefan, tell me is he really dead?" Stefan nodded, I knew he was telling the truth as I had compelled him. "Bring him to me!" Stefan walked away.

I went to find Kass, but she wasn't there, I heard a howl and I thought the worst. I zoomed into the forest and pulled her up the tree. "I wont let you go again!" I waited until Tyler had returned to a human form again. "I am so sorry Kass!" She hugged him and I felt a little jealous.

I took her home and escorted her from my car to her door. "I had a great night Sir Nicklaus"

"And I Lady Kassia". I giggled and he kissed me goodbye.

"I love you" he said as he walked away.

"I love you too" I loved saying it.

"Maybe we could..go upstairs?" I offered.

His eyes shone at what I was suggesting.

"Kass, oh my god as much as I'd love to, and I really would, there's something I have to deal with first. But I love you, so so much okay."

"I understand Nik." I watched him drive off.

"So who wants to do the stabbing, I was thinking I'll torture him a little and then I'll kill him."

Who was Damon talking about? And why was he in my house again?

"Don't you feel bad, it'll break Kassies heart!"

" At least she'll have a heart...I've seen him kill people...he has no mercy!"

"Oh as opposed to your kind killings?" Rick said to Damon.

Oh my God, they where going to kill Nick. I turned and started to run back towards the ball. I kept ringing him but he wouldn't answer. Suddenly Damon appeared in front of me.

"Where do you think you're going."

"I' the ball....because I ermm...I left my bracelet."

"I can feel your heart beating, it beats faster when you lie." I tried to run but he grabbed me and twisted my arm.

He put my arms behind my back as he pushed me into the house.

"Ric control your niece."

"I am so sorry Kassie, I didn't want to have to do this." He locked me in my room as they drove of.

"No!!" I screamed as I burst into a fit of tears. I began banging on the door. I grabbed my chair and through it through the glass door. I scrambled onto my balcony and climbed down the ivy. I took my heels off and sprinted as fast as I could. As soon as I arrived at the ball I ran around frantically.

"Ty where's Damon and Klaus?"

"I don't know.."

"Please Ty!" I shook him.

"They're upstairs!" I ran up when I heard someone behind me.

"I thought you had been dealt with!" There was Rebekah, I tried to run but she hit me over the head. Then everything went black.


I went back to the ball where I found Mikael!! I couldnt believe it I had been double bluffed. "Come out and face me Niklaus or she dies!" He held Elena in his arms, I couldnt let her die, I needed her blood for my hybrids and she was Kassies friend but I couldnt let Mikael beat me.

"Go ahead, kill her" I said confidently knowing he wouldn't.

"Klaus, he'll do it!" Elena said looking afraid, I pittied her but I had to stand my ground. I felt tears running down my face.

"If I kill her all your hybrids will die!"

"I dont care, I just want to be rid off you!"

"So that what, you can live forever with no-one at your side!"

"I'm not alone."

"Oh please, nobody cares about you anymore boy! You have no-one except those whose loyalty you forced! I dont know what she sees in you. You have no-one. NO-ONE!!"

"Im calling your bluff father." He had struck a nerve.

"Come out and face me you little coward and I wont have to hurt her!"

"All my life, you've underestimated me father! If you kill her you lose your leverage so go ahead kill her! KILL HER!!"

"Your impulse Klaus, has and forever will be the one thing that truly keeps you for being great!"

Suddenly he stabbed her. She fell to the floor dead! Without warning Damon jumped out at me with a stake. And not just any stake an original stake which has the power to kill me. Then it all became a blur. Kassie dived in front of me as I saw the stake pierce her skin.

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