Chapter 9

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"What??" I stared at him for a while in an eerie silenence before breaking the ice with a giggle. Did he expect me to believe that? . He stared at me seriously and motionless. I didn't want to believe it, if vampires existed what else did? Then I remembered Caroline saying 'Im queasy of blood', I remebered how cold his hands where and Damon, 'been there done that'. Oh my God!! I could see him trying to avoid looking at my knee. I stared at him in fear, and he looked at me sadly.

"Please, please don't be afraid of me, please!"

"Why do you care what I think, I hardly know you!" He stared at me like I had struck a nerve.

"You're me." I could feel his eyes going back to its normal deep blue eyes.

"Do you hate me!"

I stared at him sadly. "Of course I don't hate can's just...this is too much!" I touched my knee and winced in pain. I could see his eyes turning darker.

"I...Im sorry...I have to go." I watched him run off, he was so fast, I blinked and he had gone.

"What time do you call this?" I jumped as Ric stood in the doorway.

"I...I was ugh...forget it." I barged last him.

I went upstairs and heard Damon and Ric arguing.

"She has a right to know!"

"I don't want her getting dragged into any of this, I mean it Damon, I don't want her to know!"

"Know what?" I asked.

They turned around in shock, in Rics hand was a stake. I just stared with my mouth hanging open!

"Why didn't you tell me!"

I ran into my room and grabbed my suitcase, I started to throw my belongings into my bag.

"What are you doing?"

"Im leaving Ric, I mean it, why didn't you tell me!"

"You know!" He cried.

I nodded and zipped up my bag.

"At least wait until morning, to think on it."

"I can't I just, I've got to go home, I miss England, they have normal people there!" I began to cry.

I ran off and walked to the train station, I couldn't believe I was really going through with this. I stepped onto the train. "Please, dont leave me." I turned around and saw Klaus.


"Please, Kass, please don't go. I can make you forget all of this."

"Why, I am nothing to you, why do you care?" I walked up to her and stroked her cheek. She couldn't be more wrong she was everything to me.

"''re not human. and I hardly know why do I feel this way Nik?"

"Because we're meant to be." I stared at her before running up to her and holding her in my arms.

"I can't go home tonight Nik, I can't face them." She cried into my shirt.

I took her hand and took her to my house, I placed her into my bed and tucked her in before kissing her on her forehead. I could smell her blood but I was in control. I slept by the door making sure, she was safe.


I woke up to see him asleep on the floor, he was such a gentleman and for a bloodsucking creature, he looked so peaceful. When he woke up he smiled at me "Good morning sweetheart."

"Good morning Nik."

I looked again to see him gone and I smelt a delicious scent coming from the kitchen. There on the counter where some honey pancakes.

"For you my love."

"Nik, you spoil me" I chuckled.

"Hello brother." I turned around to see Elijah.

"Have we met?" I asked him, I had recognised him immediately.

He stared at Nik, as Nik discretely shook his head.

"No, I don't believe we have." He kissed my hand as Nik glared at him.

"This is my brother, Kass, he's a pain in the ass but you learn to live with him."

He then introduced me to Rebekah, she was very pretty but had a feisty attitude just like her brothers. Elijah stared at me wearing one of Nik's shirts.

"So, I see you stayed the night." He said giving Nik the eyebrows.

"Elijah!" Nik shouted.

"I get it, a gentleman never kisses and tells." He smirked.

"Nothing happened Elijah!"

"I have to go" I said breaking the awkward atmosphere, glancing at my watch.

Nik walked me to the door.

"I do apologise my love."

"It's fine, thank you for letting me stay."

He kissed me goodbye as I smiled to myself.

Then I arrived home. Ric saw me and ran up to me into a hug. "Im so sorry, I should have told you. It's time you know the truth."

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