Chapter Fourty-two

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Lyla watched Gavin, he hadn't spoken yet. She didn't want him to choose, she knew it wasn't fair. If it wasn't for her, he'd go about his life never knowing what was coming. She muttered a curse, slapping a hand against her knee. Wincing at the twinge it caused in her back, she wasn't okay with this.

She felt frustration at her powerlessness.

Facing her father she decided it would be best if she answered first. "And why should we do it?"

He blinked as if it was obvious why they should do it, but Lyla wasn't going to roll over and die. "Death isn't something we fear," she reached out laying a hand over Gavin's, "He isn't some little boy, Gavin's face death every day raising his people, and those around him. He is a prideful, and capable Laird, why should my husband be scared of not taking your offer?"

She demanded an answered with her eyes, her mouth set in a hard line. "I wouldn't not ask him to abandon his place for me, and with the knowledge you've given us he could easily take advantage of it."

"That is true," her father said smirking, "but, my dear, he would do it alone."

Lyla lifted her chin her eyes meeting her fathers, "...And I suppose you're to use that, like you used me for the hospital chair seat?" she shook her head, "I won't let you do it."

She turned her attention to Gavin, who expression had become unreadable over the stent of their conversation. "You don't have to abandon anything, I am stronger than I look. I wouldn't want to cause hatred for you amongst your people, especially when I've grown them as much as you. If we take this deal, you would have to give up everything, from you name your very existence."

She shook her head again, pulling her hand away from his. "I couldn't ask that of you."

Turning to her father, she demanded boldly. "Send him back."

Hearing these words moved Gavin to action. "Nae!"

Lyla, and everyone in the room turned their attention back to him. He glared at all of them, before meeting Lyla's eyes. "I am nae foolish, I kin speak for myself." Clearing his throat, he turned his attention to the father, "Aye, yer deal isn't tah bad, but what yer offering isna enough. Since you're asking my people and I to help yer soldiers, we'll be needing gold to ease the way."

"Gold?" Her father drawled, a single brow lifting.

"Aye," Gavin said smiling. For once he felt in control, after all it seemed only fair he be paid for the transference of his people. Especially since it wasn't at all his choosing, "Aye, if we're acting as a ports sorts. Tis only normal to be paid for lodging. How long are ye trying to 'ave your people on my land."

"I'm sorry, when did this land become yours?" Her brother, half-turning so that he faced Gavin.

"Tis my land yer father has said so," Gavin motioned towards their father, "...If na' then tis nae deal."


"Enough-," Ferguson said in soft tone, lifting a single hand.

He tilted his head. Lyla could see his eyes shifting as she worked over Gavin's words. "...You want us to pay you to become our time port?"

Gavin gave a short nod, his eyes flashing with intelligence that Lyla was sure Ferguson hadn't bothered to notice. "It would be the best choice, aye."

He didn't want to pay this barbarian a dime, but as he thought about it. It would be far more reassuring to pay the man a reasonable price, and have the existence of the port. Also it would guarantee the safety of the men he would send to learn about the past.

He clicked his tongue.

Gavin knew he had the old codger, it wasn't difficult to move his people. He didn't like the idea of doing it, so if he was going to do it he would earn more than just a safe haven. He glance at Lyla, she was worth it...she was worth everything. And he'd felt it even more so when she'd refused to allow him to make the choice. The woman was willing to live without him? Him? He shook his head, he wouldn't let her. Because he couldn't go another minute with her beyond his reach.

When she'd been taken, and he'd realized she was in the hands of the one who'd eagerly harm her. He'd felt himself fall into a bleak space that he never wished to fall into again.

Focusing his attention back on Ferguson, "Tis best you take my offer, Aye. Ye wouldn't wish for yer men to get lost..." he trailed off at the look of hate Ferguson sent him. Before he scoffed.

"Aye, Laird...I wouldn't wish for my men to be lost." Feguson suddenly stood, surprising everyone in the room even his son. "Okay! I'll take your barbaric offer, I'll send shipments of gold with each mission, but this means your now my partner in time."

Gavin stood, his figure larger and broader than Ferguson, he narrowed his eyes on Ferguson. "Aye, partners but," He met Lyla's gaze when he said, "Yer tah stay away from my family," He met Ferguson cold gaze, "My wife, my blood, and my people. Ye won't touch."

His voice was hard with command, and he stared down Ferguson. "Or...I will break yer neck with my own hands."

Placing his hands in his pockets, Ferguson tilted his head. His mouth working, before he smiled. "Aye, heathen. I hear ye." With that he turned his attention towards Lyla, "You'll be returning once your fully healed. I don't need the one thing keeping this contract dying once it reaches the other side."

He didn't react when Gavin growled at his words, instead he turned his eyes towards Ericka who sat stiffly. "You don't have a barbarian beau I should be aware of?"

She stiffly shook her head, "Sadly, there isn't any man who you will have to contend with."

He nodded chuckling, "...To be expected."

Walking past her over to the door, he spoke of his shoulder. "Ralph will make sure you are returned to your rooms, don't expect to see me when you leave."

With that he walked out, leaving tension and anger behind.


Ericka release a heavy sigh, leaning back. "Damn, it's like a demon just left."

Gavin retook his seat next to Lyla, "Aye, I agree."

The chuckled, sharing humor at their name calling. Lyla wasn't able to laugh, she reached out taking Gavin's hand. "...You shouldn't have agreed to it his demands."

She met his gaze, her brow furrowed with worry. "Nothing my father does is ever simple, or straight forward. He could easily lie, or deceive you so that he won't have to pay not one cent."

Gavin, reache up brushing a gentle finger along her cheek. "Don't fash yourself love. He is cunning, aye I could see it. But he also is greedy, a bit of gold will bring him much more. Yer father understand that."

"As much as I hate to agree with you...husband, he's right about father." Raulph interjected, shooting Gavin a dark look. "Father probably thinks, Gavin is more interested now in the possibility in gold, than his own pride."

She listened to both of them, but couldn't shake the worry she felt. Releaseing a sigh, she gave Gavin a worried looks, "Are you sure you want to do this? Your people will be forced to be isolated, and you cannot be involved in politics."

Gavin grinned, his eyes flashing with humor, "It doesnae matter, I got the one thing I wanted the most." He said this before leaning forward, taking her lips with his.

Lyla immediately melted into his embrace, after all she had missed this, him and the feel of him.

A clearing voice, pulled her out of swirl of need that she felt running through her.

He sister coughed into her hand, "Hrm, before you two...umm, get to it. I'd like to remind you both that Lyla still has some time to recover."

Lyla sent her an annoyed look, "Aint nobody ask you speak."

Ericka simply laughed.

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