the shepherd's come to town

Start from the beginning

"How are you feeling, Will?" Karen asks Will as she takes a sip of water. "I feel pretty good. Just tired. Nothing fits me anymore so I'm just living in sweats." Will says with a giggle.

"May I feel your belly?" Karen asks Will softly. "You don't have to ask, Mom. Of course you can! She is kicking a lot so be careful." Will says with a giggle.

"I just wanted to ask, some women don't like people feeling their bellies for some reason." Karen says with a grin.

Karen puts her hand on Will's big baby bump, feeling Coralei's kicks and jabs. "She is kicking a lot! No wonder your ribs hurt." Karen says as she kisses Will's baby bump delicately.

"Coralei loves to kick the crap out of my ribs and now she is punching my bladder. I swear I feel like it's gonna pop! My back has been killing me too!" Will says as Karen giggles.

"You are carrying low, that's why your back is hurting. That's normal. I was like that when I was pregnant with you. She will get lower the closer you are to your due date." Karen says to Will.

"Pop! Look at this tower Papi, Daddy and I did!" Benji says holding up his block tower. "Woah, that tower is awesomeness!" Hank says as he sits next to Benji on the couch.

"My hands get a little swollen sometimes and I'm terrified my ring will get stuck so RJ made me a necklace to put my ring on. My feet are swollen too if I walk too much." Will says as he plays with his necklace.

"Don't force your ring on! My one friend lost her ring because it got stuck. Swelling is normal, especially because it's hot out." Karen says.

Karen, Hank and Benji play together while Will takes a shower and gets ready for the day.

Two hours later, Karen, Hank, Will, Benji and RJ are getting ready to go out to eat lunch. RJ is taking a shower while Will, Karen, Hank and Benji wait downstairs patiently.

"Daddy, I want a snack!" Benji says as he smiles. "Bubba, we are going to lunch very soon. You don't need a snack right now." Will says.

"But I want one!" Benji says as he whines. "I don't hear words, I'm hearing whining. Use your words." Will says as he ignores Benji's whining the best as he can. Benji begins to mad and he stomps his feet.

"I want a snack and I want it NOW! NOW DADDY!" Benji yells at Will. Will ignores Benji's yelling. "SNACK NOW, DADDY!" Benji's yells loudly, his voice screeching.

"Benjamin. Benjamin Elliot. Stop whining and yelling please. It does not work. Use your words and calm down." Will says sternly.

Will never uses Benji's full name Benjamin, unless he is serious on getting Benji's attention.

Benji stomps his feet and throws a toy around, startling Dobby. Will turns around and sees Dobby running away.

"Benjamin, get on the step." Will says and Benji shakes his head no. "Get on the step now." Will says as he raises his voice.

"NO!" Benji yells, standing there with his arms crossed.

"Don't make me count to three!" Will says loudly and Benji ignores Will. "One. Two." Will says and almost says three, but Benji goes and sits in the step.

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