Unfamiliar Territory

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Unfamiliar Territory

Chapter Twenty: New Year, New Beginnings

The holidays had been alright, thought Mia, Christmas and New Years may have been quiet but she had enjoyed them still. Having gone through her roster and finding only two serious injuries; a broken foot and arm. Thankfully neither Nathaniel nor Matthew were the ones injured, Mia was relieved she wouldn't have to sit out of another match.

Finishing her work, Mia had watched a movie with Nathaniel in the lonely apartment on Christmas day. They had opened presents after, Nathaniel had loved his.

"I'm going to remember your little match with Matthew forever." He had told her, laughing.

Oliver had given her a beautiful watch. It was shaped as an old fashioned key on a long chain, at the bottom, near the teeth Mia found her name inscribed. He had also gotten her a huge teddy bear. Nathaniel, on the other hand, had given her a pair of boxing gloves with her name woven on to them. Clearly, he had had a lot of fun teaching her how to box.

Then there was Matthew, no matter how much Mia tried not to think of him, he was inevitable. He had shown up for his appointment, Mia had not known what to say to him. She hadn't given herself much of a chance to talk; she had gone through her roster quickly having only three days to check and double check her players. The appointments had been shortened.

There had been only one indication that anything had changed between her and Matthew. Other than glaring at her, usually he had ignored her to the point of non-existence. Yet for once he gazed at her, and it was with a soft expression on his face. She saw him zero in on her neck, sure enough Mia had worn the present he had given her, and the heart was tucked under the neckline of her dress. He looked seemingly content.

For New Years, Mia had simply lain on the couch and watched television, having the entire dorm room to herself for once, Mia was starting to enjoy it.

Since the Boxing Day match, Mia had yet to see Nathaniel or Matthew. Oliver had called to say that he would be coming back near the end of the month, leaving Mia to her own devices.


"Oi, Matty, what are you doing? Just sitting there?"

Matthew turned to see his older cousin walking towards him. Having gone out to see the newly renovated grounds around his house, he had thought he would practice by himself for a while. Instead, Matthew had run a few laps and sat on the soccer ball, reminiscing about Mia. The figurine she had gotten him, sat on his dresser. Each time he saw it, he could still hardly believe she had gotten him something.

Seeing the chain around her neck, Matthew couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. She had accepted his gift, and there was the opportunity to become friends.

Of course there were those other more concealed feelings that were trying hard to surface...feelings of possession. She belongs to me, Matthew thought again remembering Mia. He shook his head hard, trying to shake loose of those ideas.

Snapping back to reality, Matthew watched as Leon walked over to him. His cousin had longer hair, compared to him, and was always dressed in a collared shirt and creased pants, or he was in a suit and tie. Having brown eyes and hair, his looks were softer than that of Matthew. He was also five years older at twenty eight.

Behind Leon, Matthew could see a silhouette. She was watching them. Lina was Leon's younger sister. At twenty five, she was two years older than Matthew. She had gray eyes, a small frame and long dark hair that ran down her back.

"Well, Matty. What's up?" Leon asked, standing over him.

"Nothing, why?"

"Lina thinks your sulking."

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