"Thank you for helping, bubba! I am now doing much needed laundry. RJ tries his best but he doesn't do it right." Will says and Benji smiles.

"I'm helping Daddy!" Benji says and Will smiles. "You are helping, thank you." Will says with a big smile. Will films a time lapse of himself and Benji folding clothes.

Will then films Benji playing with his blocks. Coralei is in her swing, looking around.

"So laundry is in the dryer and washer. I'm tired, I need a nap. RJ should be coming at home soon. I miss him a lot." Will says as Benji pets Dobby.

Dobby licks Will and Will smiles. "I love my babies though." Will says as Dobby lays down near Will's feet.

A few minutes later, Will, Dobby and Benji hear the door unlocking. RJ walks in with Chick Fil A bags and Benji runs over to the door and sees RJ.

"Papi! Papi!" Benji says as he hugs RJ. "Hey! We're you a good boy for Daddy?" RJ asks Benji as he sets the bags down and hugs Benji tightly.

"Yes! And a milkshake! Thank you!" Benji says happily. "You're welcome! You have to eat your lunch first, okay?" RJ says as Will walks over with Coralei.

"I brought us some lunch! Chipotle was filled to the max so I went to Chick Fil A." RJ says as Will kisses RJ a few times. "Thank you, babe. I'm starving." Will says as he hands Coralei to RJ.

"Hi, baby girl! Did you have a fun day with Daddy and bubba?" RJ says as Dobby runs over to him. "Hi, Dobby!" RJ says happily.

RJ pets Dobby and then helps Benji grab his food out of the bag. "Thank you, Papi!" Benji says as he begins to eat. "You're welcome, bubba!" RJ says with a grin.

"Thank you, babe." Will says as he begins to eat his chicken sandwich. "You're welcome, babe. I'm gonna feed Coralei her lunch." RJ says as he kisses Coralei's cheek.

"RJ gave Benji a milkshake! Before n-a-p time. Is it good, bubba?" Will asks and Benji nods happily.

"Cookies and cream! Yummy!" Benji says proudly. "Can I have a sip?" Will asks and Benji nods happily. "Thank you, bubba." Will says.

"It's Halloween! And he's yawning, he will go down for a nap. Don't worry." RJ says as he feeds Coralei.

After lunch, Will and Benji are napping. RJ films Will on the couch sleeping. Benji is asleep in his room. RJ films the monitor of Benji sleeping in his room.

"My boys are sleeping and I'm just hanging out with our baby girl!" RJ says as he films Coralei looking at him. Coralei sneezes twice. "Bless you!" RJ says as he kisses Coralei's cheek.

RJ films himself baby wearing Coralei and cleaning around the house. Coralei is then shown sleeping on RJ's chest. RJ kisses Coralei's cheek as he watches YouTube videos.

After watching a few videos, Will wakes up from his nap. "Good afternoon, sleepy head." RJ says to Will. Will smiles as he yawns.

"Thank you for letting me nap, RJ." Will says as he yawns again. "You're welcome. You passed right out." RJ says with a chuckle. "I am tired." Will says with a chuckle as kisses RJ.

Benji walks down the steps happily. "Hey, bubba! Good afternoon! Did you sleep good?" RJ asks Benji.

"Yeah! I swept really really good!" Benji says as he hugs RJ and Will. Benji, Will and RJ spend the next few hours playing and doing house chores.

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