But then why did it take him so long to go professional? It's not like he never thought he could. I had heard his hushed conversations with my parents when they all thought no one else was around, but obviously I was. Isaac wanted to skip college and go professional, but my mom was adamant he get a degree from a university before he did anything else.

Maybe he did attend university. I tried to think of what on earth he would study, but I drew a blank. Isaac had always hated school. He thought it was a waste of time. And he was never passionate enough about any subject to figure out what he would do if he didn't play soccer.

"Florence? Florence!" An aggravated Millie called form the backseat. I blinked, coming back to the present. We were in the drive-thru for the food place.

"Do you want anything?" Dante asked.

I shook my head, which brought a frown on his face. "You've barely eaten anything since you arrived at the palace. You need food."

Shaking my head again, I mouthed that I wasn't hungry. Dante didn't like this answer, but he couldn't say anything before the man in the order box spoke in French, pulling Dante's attention back to him. Dante responded in French, and we drove up to the window.

We had our food quickly, and the greasy smell made my stomach turn. I hadn't had food like that in so long that I was absolutely disgusted by it. I cracked the window open a little bit and stared out as we drove.

"So Florence, what are you doing when we go back home?" Daisy questioned. I barely heard her over the whoosh coming from the window, and I rolled it back up.

What was I going to do? Once they were back with their families, I had no other tasks to do. I had gotten them out of there, and I had made sure Dante hadn't died from Batilda. That was all I needed to do, and all I ever dreamed of doing if I ever got out of that basement.

So I shrugged at her. Truthfully, I knew I would probably get the Prince to reject me so I could leave him to find someone who would fulfill every wish he had about a mate.

The mere thought of that brought a clench to my heart, and I tried to ignore it. I would have to leave Dante eventually, and I had always known that. He needed things that I just couldn't give him, and it would be unfair of me to keep him from finding someone who could give him everything he needed, and more.

"How do you not know? I've dreamt of this since I got there. You had way more time than any of us, too. There's no way you don't have it all planned out." Millie spoke.

Again, I shrugged. I didn't like the fact that she brought up how long I had spent there, especially since the Prince and I hadn't spoken a word about that since he had asked on the plane.

Daisy stared at me with a raised eyebrow. "Bullshit. You have to have at least one thing you planned on doing. You don't even want to go back home and see your family?"

I bristled. Angrily, I made eye contact in the rear-view mirror with Daisy. She simply seemed like she was asking a question, but I knew better. She wanted this information out of me, even though she knew it was one of the topics I would never talk about.

I ignored her, focusing on the road now. We were now driving on a highway with barely any cars, with less trees surrounding it than the previous roads.

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